
Metalworkers, Bentivogli: "For us, the contract does not go on vacation"

The leader of Fim - Cisl at the head of the demonstration for the strike of the metalworkers of Fim, Fiom, Uilm in Brescia - Bentivogli against Federmeccanica: "Anything but renewal you are showing the oldest in industrial relations: the extremistism that denies a real negotiation and has blocked the category for eight months ”.

Today a big demonstration/strike by the metalworkers of Fim, Fiom, Uilm in Brescia in conjunction with the general assembly of Federmeccanica which will also be held in the city in the afternoon.

At the head of the procession, which paraded through the streets of the city, was the leader of the Fim Cisl Marco Bentivogli and the secretaries of Fiom and Uilm.

Bentivogli speaking at the rally in Piazza della Loggia declared: "We have come to see you to explain all our dissent". And addressing the industrialists he says: “Anything but renewal, you are showing the oldest in industrial relations:“ The extremistism that denies a real negotiation and has blocked the category for eight months. Federmeccanica denies the value of the Contract and of the mediation to achieve it, a real leap back into the worst past. The person - says the leader Fim Bentivogli - is at the center when his salary is not at the discretion of the boss. When wages are paid on the basis of criteria that are the same for all workers. 

Those of the 800th century where rights were concessions, like those where we want to go back today calling individual superminims "meritocracy", weren't modern factories, nor were they common good - adds Bentivogli -.

“The person – argues Bentivogli – is at the center when work is negotiated and valued within collective agreements and the desire to organize oneself with the other workers in the union is valued. The industrialists - he says - continue to try to prevent the blocking of overtime, proposing pre-agreements and thus thinking of emptying the square, but the workers have understood what is at stake and we will continue to block overtime to the bitter end, until it reopens a real deal. There is no renewal in the desire to bend the union to its will and we will never sign a contract that defends the purchasing power of wages for only 5% of workers and that makes our National Contract a "little contract" and does not reinforce bargaining in the company and in the territory. The industrialists speak of "rain increases" but where do they live? You try to live on 1200 euros a month with a family and a mortgage, you have lost money and businesses, we have lost 300 jobs and halved wages”

"For us - concludes the leader of the Fim - the contract does not go on vacation we are together with over 7 million workers with 46 contracts still to be renewed and is this the "Italian way to participation"? For us, the true "Italian way to participation" is to make more contracts, seek greater sustainability, create new rights and build the conditions for distributing wealth where it is created. In the first 3 months of 2016, in all of Europe wages were reduced only in Italy and Cyprus, unacceptable. This is why we want to reopen the negotiation immediately. Until then, our mobilization will continue together, recovering an ever-incisive capacity for synthesis, for proposing, which isolates a Federmeccanica which has promised the impossible to industrialists for months and which is putting the largest labor contract in Italy at risk. We will not allow it, now or ever."
