
Messori and Onado: the hour of truth is approaching for Greece and Europe but woe to go back to the drachma

The hour of truth is approaching for Greece but also for Europe - According to the two authoritative economists we need to get to the root of the problems with realism - Greek bankruptcy with the exit from the euro and the return to the drachma would be suicide not only for Athens but for the European Union itself – Eurobonds are better

According to Marcello Messori (full professor at Tor Vergata, former president of Assogestioni) and Marco Onado (professor at Bocconi, former Consob commissioner) we need to be pragmatic. The hypothesis of Greek bankruptcy with the exit from the euro is not realistic: a prospect that would lead to suicide, both for Athens and for the European Union itself. Eurobonds are the best way.

Messori: punishing Greece and pushing it out of the euro would be catastrophic for everyone

Onado: Greece is not Argentina, rather than the drachma better go back to Brady bonds

