
Mes, rejecting it is a bit like moving away from the euro and taking a half step outside: the wise reflections of Veronica De Romanis

These days we are all wondering about the consequences of Le Pen's possible success in the French elections, but the economist Veronica De Romanis pushes us to reflect on the harmful effects of Italy's failure to approve the ESM

Mes, rejecting it is a bit like moving away from the euro and taking a half step outside: the wise reflections of Veronica De Romanis

Everyone is wondering if, in case the far right of RN were to win the French political elections and, heaven forbid, gain an absolute majority in Parliament, the The Pen it would end up becoming melonized and that is, like the Italian Prime Minister, abandoning the sailor promises she is making in the electoral campaign to take on a more realistic attitude in economics and finance that avoids the tsunami of the financial markets. But, in the moment Giorgia Meloni deal with Ursula Von der Leyen an under-the-table agreement among the EU leaders, the question that concerns us most closely is another and that is whether our prime minister will finally emerge from the European limbo, shelving the ideological prejudices on Month and finally deciding to sign it as most of the countries already have Ue. In this regard the economist Veronica DeRomanis he wrote in recent days on The print an exemplary comment in which he rejects Italy's failure to join the ESM and in which he asks how the prime minister will explain to Italians that, in the event of a financial crisis, the Government he decided "not to use the fire extinguisher that Italy has already bought" having already paid a fee of 14 billion euros for the ESM. Good question and who knows what Meloni would answer. But even more worrying is the following consideration by De Romanis according to which the failure to ratify the ESM "represents a first step out of the euro". Melons and Salvini, like Le Pen in France, no longer say "No euro" but, by rejecting the ESM, they risk dusting off the ghosts of the past. De Romanis does well to make us reflect.
