
Mes, Parliament's first yes: the 5 Stars go haywire

The Senate has approved a resolution in which the Government undertakes to use all "the tools already made available by the EU to deal with the health and socio-economic emergency", including the bailout fund - Many grillini voted by distraction , but the political signal remains

Mes, Parliament's first yes: the 5 Stars go haywire

With 170 votes in favor, 10 more than necessary, the Senate gave the green light on Wednesday to the third budget slippage for 2020, which he puts on the table another 25 billion of Euro, after the two previous ones of 20 and 55 billion. The total additional resources to fight the crisis – pending the 209 billion of the Recovery Fund, which will only begin to arrive in mid-2021 – thus rises to 100 billion. This time, however, there is also something more: surprisingly, in fact, Parliament also said a first and indirect yes to the Mes, the European Stability Mechanism (or State-saving fund) which would guarantee Italy 36 billion to invest in health care.

In particular, it was to be approved a majority resolution on the National Reform Programme (Pnr) which contains a passage where the Government undertakes to use all "the tools already made available by the EU to deal with the ongoing health and socio-economic emergency". A set which includes the Recovery Fund, the resources of the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the Sure fund for a sort of new European redundancy fund; but also the much controversial Mes.

Now, the majority of M5S MPs still are against the bailout fund, so it cannot be excluded that the indirect green light that arrived on Wednesday is the result of a distraction. In short, an error that brings further turmoil to the Grillina parliamentary base, already in chaos after the mess with which two commission chairs were given to the League.

Of course, a specific parliamentary passage would be needed to activate the Mes, so this week's vote will not have decisive practical consequences. However, the resolution has significant political weight and strengthens the position of those who believe the request for 36 billion for health care is inevitable (a transversal front made up of Pd, Italia Viva and Forza Italia, supported by Confindustria).

Even Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte is well aware that Italy needs the resources of the Mes, above all because the pandemic is returning to bite in Europe and the risk of a second autumn wave in our country is high. However, the Prime Minister does not intend to address such a divisive issue for the 5 Star Movement now: in all likelihood, the issue will be re-proposed in Parliament only at the end of September. After the administrative elections.
