
Merkel: Eurobonds are in fashion, but they are not the solution

According to the German chancellor, "political solutions" are needed to get out of the crisis: debt reduction measures at national level and consolidation of accounts and at European level. And then "rapid" changes to the Community treaties.

Merkel: Eurobonds are in fashion, but they are not the solution

According to Angela Merkel, in this strange autumn-winter it is "fashionable" to talk about Eurobonds. And yet, the German chancellor points out, the much-discussed bonds guaranteed by the entire Eurozone would not be the solution to the crisis.

What you need instead are "political solutions“: debt reduction interventions at national level and account consolidation and at European level. And then, of course, those "rapid" treaty changes that Germany has always been craving. “The ECB – Merkel concluded – does not have the option of saving the euro by itself”.
