
Mental Gymnastics, Exercise Number 40 for a Winning Brain: “The Secret Code”

Not all information is immediately understandable. This week's exercise features a sentence that needs to be deciphered to be understood in its entirety.

Mental Gymnastics, Exercise Number 40 for a Winning Brain: “The Secret Code”

There are clues and information in everyday life of which we struggle to grasp the real meaning.
Some information is Immediate, let's think about the emoticons, others instead are cryptic and it takes us a while to grasp its real meaning.

We are at episode number 40 of the column “Mental gymnastics" for a "Winning Brain” the result of the collaboration of FIRST online Professor Giuseppe Alfredo Iannoccari, neuropsychologist, professor at the State University of Milan and president of Assomensana, the association for the development and enhancement of mental activities. Every Sunday an exercise is proposed on FIRSTonline mental gymnastics that stimulates different mental abilities. In the banner on the right of our home page or here all the exercises already published are grouped together, which have stimulated a different ability of our brain each time.

For further information on Assomensana's activities and to understand what the "Secrets for a winning brain" are, here is a video course by Professor Iannoccari.

Let's remember the basic rules

For each exercise you will be shown:

  • which cognitive functions it stimulates
  • what purpose does it serve in everyday life
  • delivery to carry out the exercise
  • how long should the execution time be?
  • how to calculate the score
  • the finish line for an optimal score
  • how to make it more empowering
  • which variations to adopt to continue doing so

Mental Gymnastics Exercise Number 40: “The Secret Code”

This week we propose the new exercise “Secret Code” for the column The Winning Brain which develops and strengthens the following mental abilities: Reasoning, Concentration, Mental flexibility, Processing speed.

The exercise proposes a phrase that needs to be deciphered to be understood in its entirety.

Delivery: Convert numbers and symbols into letters, so as to obtain a complete sentence.

9? C%RV%??13 %' 19N 13RG1N13 ^%R1V9G?913S13, S% ?13 US91^13 P%R C13^P9T9 ST913?AN”9 D9V%N”1 S%^PR% P9U' F13R”% %D %_ _9C9%N”%.

Execution time: Five minutes.

Score: 100 points for translating the sentence.

Traguardo: score 100 points in five minutes.

Strengthening: score 100 points in three minutes.

Variants. Make up a sentence by replacing the letters with other symbols or numbers.

Invitation. Write your sentence in the comments

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