“Despite a very difficult negotiation, the match on Stability pact it is still open because in Brussels they recognize that the Italian position is serious" the prime minister argued yesterday Giorgia Meloni to the Camera in view of the upcoming meeting of the EU Council. The Italian attitude towards the signing of the Stability Pact will also depend on the negotiations on the Stability Pact Month which, even if Meloni hasn't said it, will arrive sooner or later.
Meloni, who seemed very tense in her speech at Montecitorio, chose to defend herself from the opposition's criticisms of the Government's European fluctuations by immediately going on the attack and, in a passage that was later corrected, did not spare an indirect dig at the former prime minister too Mario Draghi: “For some, foreign policy is having photographs taken with France and Germany even when you don't bring anything home. I think instead that theEurope is 27 and you have to be able to talk to everyone." The dig at Draghi did not escape anyone's notice, even if it was to criticize someone who saved the euro and Europe with just three words ("Whatever it takes“) is surreal to say the least. Then Meloni, having understood the danger of her own words, backtracked and corrected her position by saying that "I wasn't angry with Draghi but with the Pd“. The fact remains that stinging Draghi at the very moment in which the French hypothesis of his candidacy for leadership of the EU is being put forward is not the best thing. But the doubt remains: was Meloni's insult to SuperMario or an assist to his friend Ursula Von der Leyen? We will understand this soon but the real risk is that with games we willy-nilly trip up a possible Draghi candidacy in Brussels which would be a boon not only for Europe but also for Italy.