
Meloni wanted to change the Constitution to cancel the obligations towards the EU: will he try again?

In the last legislature, the leader of the Brothers of Italy presented a constitutional law proposal with a clear sovereign brand to Parliament to repeal any reference to the order and obligations towards the EU: the proposal has not made many steps forward but Meloni will propose it again ?

Meloni wanted to change the Constitution to cancel the obligations towards the EU: will he try again?

It tried, it didn't succeed, but it doesn't mean that it won't try again if the polls are confirmed which indicate the next Parliament for 66% to be center-right and therefore with the possibility of putting its hand on the Constitution without the need for then confront the referendum. We are talking about Giorgia Meloni which in this now buried legislature presented a constitutional law proposal which wanted to remove from articles 97, 117 and 119 of our Charter any reference to the order and obligations of theEuropean Union.  

His bill in the Constitutional Affairs Committee took only 3 steps, it was only examined in three meetings (11, 24 and 31 October 2018) then remained buried in the drawer. But she cared so much that in addition to being the first signatory, she personally pleaded the cause by coming to the committee to illustrate its contents. 

Amendment of the Constitution: Giorgia Meloni's sovereign proposal

On that occasion, Meloni made a premise that the intention of the proposal "is certainly not to favor Italy's exit from the European Union, but rather to favor its participation in conditions of equal dignity", "which Italy's accession to the European Union is in no way under discussion, bearing in mind that article 11 of the Constitution already establishes the legitimacy of our participation in the Union”.

    But there is a "but". For Meloni with the new title V of 2001, in particular with the new art. 117, first paragraph, "our duty of European submission" was introduced, where - he explains in the bill - it says that "the legislative power is exercised by the State and the Regions in compliance with the Constitution, as well as the constraints deriving from thecommunity order“. In short, "we voluntarily and madly desovereignized ourselves – he reiterated later in the Constitutional Affairs Committee – despite no one having imposed it on Italy, bearing in mind that the European treaties themselves recognize the sovereignty of nation states and their essential functions". Hence the proposal, in fact, to eliminate from the 3 articles 97, 117 and 119 any reference to the legal order of the European Union.

Amendment to the Constitution: the family is also under fire

But in Meloni's sights there is not only Europe. Under fire too the family. The FdI leader on that same occasion in the Constitutional Affairs commission also announced other possible initiatives, again with regard to the Constitution. in particular article 11, (family, motherhood, childhood) "in order to safeguard the national interest before a supranational source and to provide for popular consultation through a proactive referendum in the event of transfers of sovereignty".

From 1948 to today there have been 16 constitutional revision laws, the last one in 2012, under the Monti government, with the introduction of the principle of balanced budget in the Constitution.
