In her inaugural speech before the Chambers on 25 October, the premier Giorgia Meloni claimed that his Government, even before presenting the objectives and programs, he was honored to have a vision of the future to which he intended to make amends. It would be curious to know what vision inspired the government's disastrous surprise decision on the bank surcharges. It is excluded that there is some right-wing economist who hasn't gone mad that inspired it and, since the expected revenue will not go beyond 3 billion, it is reasonable to think that the move is entirely political and was decided in the first person by the premier, by the leader of the League Matteo Salvini and by the temporary head of Forza Italia, Antonio Tajani (who knows with how much joy of Marina Berlusconi…). But why? To balance the cut in the citizen's income in the eyes of the public, to hide the inglorious reversing of taxis, to conceal the gibberish of the most fascist Massimo DeAngelis about the Bologna massacre? Certainly, as a master of economic journalism like writes on FIRSTonline Alfredo Recanatesi, at the base of the government's delusional love at first sight there is a dangerous mix of populism, of approximation, of lack of culture and of dirigiste inclinations. But what is striking is the lack of even the slightest awareness of the damage that the sudden move on the banks will produce. Not only for the losses that the collapse of bank shares on the Stock Exchange and the probable cut in dividends could cause to savers (who will repay them?) but for the loss of credibility of the system Italy which the Meloni, Salvini and Tajani trio provoked in one fell swoop. Not even one elephant in a glass shop he could have done worse. And what makes you smile, but it would be better to say cry, are the applause that the surcharge on banks has received from the left, from Five stars, from the ineffable Fratoianni and partly from Pd (read Misiani's interview with Repubblica to believe it). All down from the tower without remission.
Meloni, Salvini, Tajani: a raid on banks to plunder savers with the grace of an elephant
The government's surprising blitz on the banks will cause savers to lose money but above all it will cause Italy to lose credibility in the eyes of the world