"We want to strengthen and intensify the bilateral dialogue also thanks to the Italy-Germany Action Plan on which we have essentially reached an agreement and which we would like to adopt at the next intergovernmental summit to be held in Germany by the end of the year". The Prime Minister said so Giorgia Meloni in joint statements with the German chancellor Olaf Scholz at the end of the imeeting at Palazzo Chigi. Among the many topics covered: migrants, the stability pact, war in Ukraine, relations with China and a whole series of economic and political dossiers concerning collaboration between the two countries.
Between Italy and Germany there are "intense relations, as countries and as governments". And between Rome and Berlin there is an alignment in "strategic interests" which can be "converging". Prime Minister Meloni said it using the example of the dossier Italy Airways with the takeover by Lufthansa.
On the Stability Pact, Meloni: "The old rules are outdated"
One of the main dossiers was that relating to new European fiscal rules. “We talked about the reform of the Stability and Growth Pact and we agree on the fact that the old rules are outdated – he added -. We need to look for new rules that take into account the necessary competitiveness of our systems at a time when we are called to make many investments. We need a new Stability Pact that pays close attention to supporting growth because European competitiveness also needs to be supported by an adequate vision and rules. Fiscal rules are important that can ensure flexibility, European support for investments on priority objectives for Europe. And I am thinking of the energy transition, the digital transition, defense".
Meloni: "On migrants, pay attention to the most exposed countries"
Another hot topic is that of migrants: "We hope we can find ourselves halfway to defending the interests of all nations" said the Italian Prime Minister who, after the visit of the last few days, will be back in Tunis on Sunday with the president of the EU Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte. "We are working to find solutions" and "find a point of agreement: I am convinced that reaching a solution is a priority but I also think it is important to pay attention to the claims of the countries that are most under pressure".
Scholz: "Italy should not be left alone"
On the subject of migration, the chancellor reassured Meloni: “We cannot leave Italy and the other countries alone, but we must adopt an approach of solidarity and responsibility. Germany for its part is particularly affected by secondary immigration”. And on majority voting in the EU, Scholz underlined that “an enlarged EU must be reformed. We need more qualified majority decisions in foreign and fiscal policy. It is not unanimity in all decisions that creates the greatest possible democratic legitimacy”.
War in Ukraine and China
“We must prepare ourselves to have to help theUkraine much longer. For now it's a question of doing everything to help her defend herself. In a post-war situation, Ukraine will need solid and reliable commitments from partners and allies to enhance its security. We are determined to support you on your way to EU membership”, continued Sholz. Finally, come on relations with China “It is about reducing the risks deriving from one-sided addictions. There will therefore be no decoupling. On the contrary, it is in the interest of all of us that the Chinese economy also continues to grow and the well-being of its citizens can develop”. But he warns: "We must be more careful to ensure that our relations take place within the framework of the global order."