
Meloni: "Musk? It's not a problem for democracy. I would like to arrive at the next elections with the premiership"

Meloni in press conference: “Never talked to Elon Musk about Starlink”. On the Sala case “triangulation with the US and Iran. Abedini under consideration by the Ministry of Justice”. And on the US: “I don’t foresee Trump withdrawing from Ukraine, the duties are not the right solution, they would be a problem for us”. Prefect Rizzi new head of the DIS

Meloni: "Musk? It's not a problem for democracy. I would like to arrive at the next elections with the premiership"

From the Sala and Abedini cases to the controversy over SpaceX, from the new head of the secret services to constitutional reforms, from the centers in Albania, from the government reshuffle to her possible re-candidacy... from ants to TV series about Mussolini. There are many topics addressed by the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni during New Year's Press Conference at the Chamber organized by the National Council of the Order of Journalists and the Parliamentary Press Association. 

The Sala and Abedini cases

“There was a lot of work diplomatic triangulation with Iran and the US as for a turning point in the case, I wouldn't say there was a turning point because the issue has been followed from the beginning. The discussions with Iran are of a diplomatic and intelligence nature, the government is bound to confidentiality in these cases. Mantovano was at Copasir and is ready to return to the case in a further hearing, let's remember that there are 500 other Italians in Iran and we must be very cautious", the prime minister said at a press conference.

“Yesterday was a beautiful day for Italy as a whole, for the Italian system for the many people who worked there, a beautiful day for me and I will make a confession to you – added Meloni -: among the many things that happen when you hold a complex position like mine, I can tell you that I have never felt a greater emotion in these years since I told Cecilia's mother that her daughter was coming home. I want to share this with you and thank the many who made this happen."

“As far as it concerns Abedini the case is being examined by the Ministry of Justice, there is a technical and political screening, and according to the treaty with the United States. It is an issue that must continue to be discussed with American friends: I would have liked to talk about it with Biden, who had to cancel the trip and to whom we send our solidarity. The discussions are there and will be there: the still complex work was not finished yesterday and I think it must be discussed in detail in the appropriate places”.

Meloni on SpaceX: “Fake news on Starlink, Musk is not a danger to democracy”

“I am quite struck by how some fake news bounces around and continues to be discussed even after being debunked, like the Contract denied with SpaceX“, “using the public to do favors to friends is not my habit”, “I evaluate the national interest. And I have never personally spoken to Musk about these matters“, explained the Prime Minister, underlining however that there should be “no scarlet letter” on the billionaire. 

“I personally don’t have a clear idea about this matter either. It’s about securing some sensitive and delicate communications by talking to the most technologically advanced person for this job, because there are no public alternatives.” 

"Italy and Europe did not arrive in time to imagine public technologies that were able to secure these communications. Today we are working on it, tomorrow perhaps there will be public entities able to guarantee them. The alternative - he continued - is not a public entity, but is not having protection of these data. This would be the issue in a serious debate, that is, what is the preferable scenario. I am secular in this debate, but I have to raise the issue, because if tomorrow those communications end up in the wrong hands, the government is responsible: I cannot pretend that the problem does not exist”.

“It’s not the first time that it’s happened” that there is discussion about entrusting a sensitive service like communications to a private individual, which could be entrusted to Starlink. “There was the same problem with the data center. But when it was entrusted to Microsoft, no one was upset. So the problem is Musk's ideas. I don't do favors to friends but I don't accept that a scarlet letter should be attached to Musk.

“SpaceX has illustrated to the government the technology it has, which allows secure communications at a national and especially global level, and for us this means above all guaranteeing secure communications in relations with diplomatic offices and military contingents abroad, which are very delicate. This is conversations that are within the norm. Dozens of companies propose themselves for the most disparate things, then the investigation is done, and if the matter is of interest it is brought to the competent authorities. In this case there are many areas to deal with, from the Supreme Council of Defense to Parliament. But we are in the investigation phase, I do not understand all the accusations that have been made”.

Turning to the political theme, Meloni stated that Musk “is not a danger to democracy”“, arguing instead that “interference” exists in other cases when “wealthy people use resources to finance parties and associations around the world to influence policies, as in the case of Soros”. “I don’t take money from Musk – she adds – if anything, they took it from Soros. I don’t see the danger for democracy”. And to those who ask her to comment on Musk’s choices in relation to the electoral campaign in Germany, Meloni replies: “I would like to point out the interference of the German one in the Italian campaign”. 

"We have to bring things back to where they are - is Meloni's belief. Musk expresses his position and this is what we are talking about. You may like it or not but when I am told that there is a danger of interference I highlight that It is not the first case of well-known and wealthy people expressing their opinions. I – he adds – have seen many and often against me and no one was scandalized. The problem – he continues – is when these people use resources to finance parties and associations around the world to influence policies, something that I don’t think Musk does, unlike Soros. This I consider a dangerous interference. But when it happened, people talked about philanthropists: is the problem that he is rich and influential or that he is not left-wing?”. 

Vittorio Rizzi new head of secret services

"I confirm that we have decided to appoint prefect Vittorio Rizzi to lead the DIS. A first-rate state official. The appointment will be formalized in today's Council of Ministers", announced the President of the Council, Giorgia Meloni. The appointment will be formalized in the Council of Ministers scheduled for this afternoon, during which the government will also challenge the law on the "third mandate approved by the Campania Region”. 

Returning to Rizzi, the Prime Minister spoke of him as a “first-rate state official and clearly the appointment will be formalized in the next Council of Ministers scheduled for today,” added Meloni who cited the “extraordinary operational results” achieved by Rizzi in various roles he has covered and “which are appreciated both within and outside national borders.”

The Prime Minister also spoke about the resignation of Elisabetta Belloni: “I have read many reconstructions that do not correspond to the truth, so much so that she herself gave an interview to clarify her position”. Belloni, the prime minister recalled, “decided to bring forward the end of her mandate by a few months to avoid ending up in the meat grinder that usually accompanies such important appointments”. “I have enormous esteem and respect for Elisabetta Belloni, whom I thank for the extraordinary work she has done for the presidency of the G7. She is a capable and courageous long-standing official and my esteem for her is unchanged. It seems to me – Meloni observed – that she is highly sought after even outside national borders and I predict that her journey will not end here”.

Meloni then revealed that Belloni “handed in his resignation before Christmas,” pointing out that “the events of recent days” from the Cecilia Sala case to SpaceX “have absolutely nothing to do with it.”

Reforms: Prime Minister by the end of his term

“I would like to arrive at the next elections with the approved reform of the prime minister and an electoral law tailored to this,” said the prime minister. “I think the issue is a matter for parliamentary competence, but if the prime minister does not arrive in time, we will wonder whether this electoral law is the best or not,” she added.

Speaking about the other reforms, Meloni stated that "the timing does not depend on me, my intention is to move forward with the reforms with determination and speed. The reforms are constitutional and have ample timeframes and there is parliamentary work. I I promised that I would deliver a better Italy than the one I found and these reforms are necessary. On tax reform we aim to close all the consolidated texts on tax matters and if we manage to also create the tax code we want to proceed quickly”.

“If we succeed, I would also like to do the following in this legislature referendum, but for me the important thing is to bring home the reforms and allow Italians to express themselves on these matters. On justice there have been openings even from some opposition parties but I don't think we will reach two thirds", he concluded.

Migrants in Albania: “The Court of Cassation has ruled in favor of the Government”

“It seems to me that the Supreme Court rulings give reason to the government“, as they say that “it is up to the government to establish safe countries”. Meloni assured that the “centers in Albania are ready to be operational”. Then, “last year the landings decreased by 60%, in the last few years they have almost disappeared”, but “the centers as far as we are concerned are ready to be operational”. 

Speaking about the Supreme Court ruling, Meloni argued: “Consequently, the judge cannot systematically disapply the detention of migrants arriving from those countries, but can motivate the specific case. Which is something completely different from what the magistrates of the Rome court did, who do not enter into the merits of the individual case”.

Remaining on the subject of justice, the Prime Minister also spoke about the election of judges of the consultation: “At the beginning, the result was not reached because there was only one judge of the Constitutional Court to elect, the majority tried to elect him and the opposition made the Aventine. I assume that” the fact that now there are more constitutional judges to elect “will make it easier to find a solution with the opposition too. We will try to proceed quickly, it does not only depend on us, we have already started discussions with the opposition”.

Ukraine, Meloni: "I don't foresee US disengagement"

“I am willing to support the options that Ukraine is willing to support – commented Giorgia Meloni – I believe it is essential to have a just peace. But without safety guarantees we can have no certainty that what happened in 2022 will not happen again. Frankly, I don't foresee Trump withdrawing.” from support for Kiev, he said. “Donald Trump spoke of 'peace through force' – he added – If today we talk about peace, it is because Russia has become a bit bogged down in Ukraine, thanks to the courage of the Ukrainian people and Western support. Trump knows this well”.

The Prime Minister also commented on the latest statements of the President-elect on Greenland, Canada and Panama: "On Greenland and Panama, I feel like ruling out that the United States will try to annex territories by force in the coming years. We have already seen Trump as president of the United States, we are faced with a person who does something for a reason. I think his statements are more of a message to some other large global players, rather than hostile claims against those countries."

“The Panama Canal,” he continued, “was built in the early 900s by the United States, and is fundamental for the world market and for the United States. Greenland is a particularly strategic territory, rich in strategic raw materials: these are territories in which we have witnessed a growing Chinese protagonism in recent years. A similar reasoning could be made for Canada.” “My idea is that these statements” by Trump “are part of the long-distance debate between great powers. A forceful way,” he observed, “to say that the United States will not remain idly by in the face of the prediction that other large global players are moving into areas of strategic interest for the United States and, I would add, for the West. I will also discuss this with my European Union counterparts in the next few hours, but this seems to me to be the issue.”

Will I attend Trump's inauguration on January 20? "I'm happy to be there, I'm evaluating the compatibility of the schedule. If I can, I'll gladly attend," he finally replied.

US tariffs: “They would be a problem for us, I think it is not the right solution”

“For us, tariffs would be a problem, but it is nothing new that American administrations raise the issue of the trade surplus. Protectionism is not an approach that only concerns the Trump administration.” “I think we need to discuss how to address” the issue “and I think that the tariff solution is not the right one: we will do what we have to do to defend” our economy “by talking to the US and the EU and I believe that solutions must be found.” 

Meloni: “Salvini at the Viminale not on the agenda, my re-candidacy? We'll see”

Responding to a question about a possible government reshuffle after the acquittal of Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini in the Open Arms case, Meloni stated: Salvini would be an excellent Interior Minister, he is right to say that without the procedure that we have seen how it went, he would have asked for and obtained the Viminale but today we have an excellent Interior Minister, Piantedosi, whom I thank, and therefore this thing is not on the agenda…".

Speaking instead of the possible resignation of Minister Daniela Santanchè in the event of a referral to trial, the tenant of Palazzo Chigi said: "Let's see. I am not the person who judges these things before they happen, Let's see what the judiciary decides and then I will obviously talk about it with Minister Santanchè".

Answering a question about a possible re-candidacy, the prime minister said: “I don’t know, this is a tiring job, very tiring, it’s a decision that I will make when I have to make it, also evaluating the results that I have brought home”. This is how the prime minister responds regarding a possible re-candidacy in 2027: “You know that I am not clinging to my seat. If I can be useful I try to be useful, if I can’t be useful I act accordingly”.

Meloni on Stellantis: “Satisfied with the agreement”

“I am satisfied with the agreement with Stellantis, we try to do what we can to always have an approach that protects workers,” said Prime Minister Meloni.

Taxes: “We need to send a signal to the middle class”

"There are no things that have remained at the stake: reduction of the tax wedge, rates, decontributions, taxes. We have concentrated on securing the incomes that could not make it and the few resources we had on low incomes. Certainly a signal must be given to the middle class that has not been given until now". And then: "We have made a tax reform and we will try to take gradual steps and, resources permitting, I believe this year attention must be given to the middle class", concluded Meloni after a two and a half hour press conference.
