
Mediolanum Tour: in Rome "Bail in and protect savings"

The meetings open to the public of the Mediolanum Tour stop in Rome on 17 May – The aim of the meeting is to analyze the impact of the Bail directive which came into force in January for savers and account holders in the event of bank failure.

Mediolanum Tour: in Rome "Bail in and protect savings"

How the protection of savings changes in the light of the new European directive Bail in. This is the subject of the Mediolanum Tour, the meetings open to the public organized by Mediolanum, who will stop at the Brancaccio Theater on 17 May from 19 pm, to analyze the impact of the directive that came into force in January on savers and account holders in the event of bank failure and the changes that the Bail brings to the life of every saver and in the relationship with their bank. 

The objective of the meeting, where we will talk about the protection of savings, future scenarios and the importance that solidity has for a credit institution, is to disseminate financial education and to promote the importance of knowing the instruments of investment and what we subscribe to in light of new European regulations and recent bank failures.

Among the speakers there will be Ennio Doris, Chairman of Banca Mediolanum, Marco Giorgino, Professor of Finance and Risk Management at the Milan Polytechnic and Alessandro Plateroti, Deputy Director of “Il Sole 24 Ore. The "Mediolanum Tour 2016" organized by Banca Mediolanum provides for the involvement of around 7.000 people in 10 Italian cities.
