
Mediobanca: new age limits (65) for CEO and general manager

Among the innovations that emerged from the marathon of meetings between the members of the syndicate pact there are also the rules on the mechanisms of appointment, on the functioning of the remuneration committee and on the controls

Mediobanca: new age limits (65) for CEO and general manager

At the end of the marathon which involved the members of the Mediobanca shareholders' agreement, various innovations emerged which will be submitted to the next shareholders' meeting, convened for 22 October in first call, or 28 (the date chosen by Enrico Cuccia to challenge the memory of the march on Rome), on the 31st in third grade.

In particular: Increase from two to four of the directors in possession of the independence requirements of the self-discipline code. New structure of the nomination committee, which will be composed of three internal members (chairman, chief executive officer and general manager) and two independent directors. Faculty to expand both the remuneration committee (from five to seven) and the internal control committee (from three to five). It's still. An age limit for the directors (75 years), the president (70 years) and for the figures of managing director and general manager (65 years).

With regard to related parties, the right to derogate, in an emergency, from the procedural provisions of the Consob regulation. The assembly will then have to approve the delegation to the board to increase the capital up to 100 million plus the issue of bonds up to two billion euros.

The board also verified the independent requirement pursuant to the self-regulatory code for: Tarak Ben Ammar, Roberto Bertazzoni, Angelo Casò, Fabrizio Palenzona and Marco Parlangeli. Here is the result of the meeting, focused on greater autonomy for managers in choosing the directors who will represent Piazzetta Cuccia on the boards of Generali, RCS and Telco-Telecom Italia. The issue of renewing the syndicate pact will only be addressed later: the deadline for any cancellations, in fact, expires on 30 September.
