
Mediaset-Vivendi, trials of peace

According to reports from Il Sole 24 Ore, the French group is trying a rapprochement with Mediaset to relaunch a new offer for Premium.

Mediaset-Vivendi, trials of peace

(Teleborsa) – After the breakup at the end of last July, Vivendi seems willing to try again with Mediaset. According to an article in Il Sole 24 Ore, the French group would be studying a new offer on Mediaset Premium to be presented to Alfa Romeo in the coming weeks.
In the new scheme Mediobanca, which has among its shareholders Vincent Bolloré, owner of Vivendi, could play an important role of mediation, crucial - writes the economic newspaper - if we want to avoid recourse to stamped papers.

On 25 July Vivendi declared its willingness to buy only a 20% share of Mediaset Premium, following the agreements made in April. This morning the Mediaset stock took off in Piazza Affari, occupying the highest positions in the earnings ranking, with a +2,47%.
