
Mediaset, Vivendi will not sell but will sterilize voting rights

After Agcom's resolution, Vivendi will have to find a solution to the Mediaset-Telecom Italia problem – Despite the Authority's impositions, Vincent Bolloré's colossus may not have to sell any of the shares it holds – There is another option: to sterilize voting rights held in one of the two Italian companies, falling below 10%.

Mediaset, Vivendi will not sell but will sterilize voting rights

The Agcom resolution that arrived on Tuesday established that the transalpine group violated paragraph 11 of article 43 of the Consolidated Law, carrying out an illegal operation de facto, giving the company 60 days to present a solution and 12 months of time to remove the violation deriving from the simultaneous presence of Vivendì in the capital of Telecom, with 23,94% and Mediaset (28,8% with 29,9 of the voting rights).  

However, based on an indiscretion published today by Il Sole 24 Ore, the solution could be simpler than previously thought. To regularize its position, the colossus led by Vincent Bolloré will not have to sell the shares of the two companies, but will "only" have to sterilize the voting rights in order to drop below 10% in one of the two Italian companies. "In the meantime, however - underlines the economic newspaper - Vivendi cannot exercise all its voting rights in both companies".

The most probable option is that Vivendo therefore decides to sterilize its stake in Mediaset, dropping to a level below 10%, also because according to the rumors circulating on the market, May 4th, the day on which the meeting will be held of Telecom Italia, Vivendo intends to aim for two-thirds of the seats on the board. To do so, however, the share must not be affected.
