
Tutor mayors of energy communities. The wait for the decree is becoming endless

Small municipalities are moving closer to energy communities. The Anci has announced a handbook on things to do

Tutor mayors of energy communities. The wait for the decree is becoming endless

To manage the transition from one energy system to another, Italians need guides. Of people and tools that make us understand the usefulness or deceptions of changing what was kept at home until yesterday. Problematic, then, when it is necessary to use non-polluting sources join communities among neighbors and without the rules having been well defined. Being with other people, perhaps strangers, involves some effort. Energy communities, which are good for family budgets and the environment, are proving to be difficult births. From a social and relational point of view they are a value that is still little known in our country. But we have faith that they will grow.

The good news is that the mayors of small municipalities have decided to become CER tutors. They intend to explain to citizens that the time is right for support the energy transition. To help them, the ANCI has prepared a handbook on things to do. A sort of "Bignamino" that fills a legislative gap that has been dragging on for some time. Administrators are helped to speed up procedures while the government is urged once again to unblock the decree on renewables between Rome and Brussels. Sometimes they seem like two cities that are unreachable for solving cases that concern citizens.

Small municipalities fundamental test

In Italy 70% of the municipalities are small municipalities. And the handbook will also have to help spend part of the 2,2 billion euros of the PNRR which cannot remain idle. The times of green spending are not infinite and we are talking about a way to reduce expensive bills. In the next few days the handbook will be distributed widely to encourage aggregations. We will try to "replicate the good practices already implemented in the territories everywhere" he said Antonio decaro, president of the Anci.

Energy self-consumption must be coordinated in relation to (small) territorial contexts and socio-economic aspects. If the Municipality becomes the real tutor it is hoped that the CERs will move forward more quickly. They will lead the way for the big cities. For procedures to be implemented, the ANCI recommends taking inspiration from "community models already validated by the GSE". However, when we touch on the regulatory aspects we arrive at the painful notes of the decree that does not exist. The mayors expect it to arrive as soon as possible to understand better the use of incentives e the eligible expenditure in municipalities with less than 5 thousand inhabitants. Be careful, however, even without the decree in this transitional phase, Municipalities can develop forms of self-consumption and organize communities. Starting with the analysis of current consumption and needs. It is time gained compared to the slow pace of politics allied to the tiring bureaucracy.
