
Maxxi, the museum celebrates 100 years of the Bauhaus

The German school of arts, architecture and design born in 1919 is celebrated this year by the most important museums in Italy. Maxxi organizes the screening of a film and a lectio magistralis to acclaim her

Maxxi, the museum celebrates 100 years of the Bauhaus

2019 is the year of the again Bauhaus and all the major national museums are celebrating its XNUMXth anniversary. The National Museum of XNUMXst Century Arts also recalls the birth of the famous German school of architecture, art and design which operated in Weimar from 1919 to 1925, in Dessau from 1925 to 1932 and in Berlin from 1932 to 1933 and was inspired by the artist Walter Gropius.

The museum has organized two appointments: the screening of the film Bauhaus – Model and myth directed by Niels Bolbrinker and Kerstin Sutterheim was the first.

The film returns a unique image of the Bauhaus, symbolic institution of Modernism, through the direct testimonies of former students and a selection of archival materials that reproduce the words of their teachers.

Bauhaus – Model and myth is a critical account of the artistic and political goals of the Bauhaus, perhaps the most comprehensive that has ever been made into a film. A tale in which a internal and unpublished point of view on the essence of the principles of the Bauhaus, the conflicts that led to the movement of the headquarters from Weimar to Dessau, the closure of the school during the Nazi era, the construction activity in the young state of Israel up to the emergence of the "myth of the Bauhaus" in the United States . The second event organized by Maxxi was the Lectio Magistralis by Barry Bergdoll, curator of the exhibition Bauhaus 1919–1933: Workshops for Modernity, held in 2009 at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, who will be the protagonist of a lesson to understand the history and meaning of that school.

The Bauhaus school represented the more industrialist and socially aware soul of Modernism, in opposition to the plastic and Mediterranean version that Le Corbusier gave. The Bauhaus had among its teachers (and students) some of the greatest artists of the time: from Klee to Moholy-Nagy, from Schlemmer to Kandinsky, from Peter Oud to Mies van der Rohe. Gropius' goal was the synthesis between mass production and the aura of the single work, to be achieved through the use of new technologies and unpublished knowledge in the field of psychological and social sciences. The screening of the film is in the original version in German with English subtitles.
