
Maxi-adjustments and disputes, new Enel-consumer agreement

The electricity group has signed a protocol with 19 consumer associations: a joint body to resolve problems more quickly. It affects 30 million customers

Maxi-adjustments and disputes, new Enel-consumer agreement

Enel and 19 consumer associations sign the peace agreement. Or rather, they have signed a protocol for the establishment of a joint negotiation body. What does it mean? It means that the disputes will have an equal clearing house which should therefore facilitate the solution of the most difficult cases, such as for example the maxi-adjustments or the practice of unsolicited services which so alarms the associations.

"The agreement reached - explains a press release from the electricity company - is fully part of Enel's sustainable approach, which constantly places the customer at the center of its business, identifying innovative solutions to satisfy and anticipate their needs and requirements".

The agreement follows ten years on the signing of the first sector protocol with which the company and the associations instituted joint conciliation. That agreement is being renewed today with the signing of the first agreement in the energy sector, following the introduction of organic legislation on alternative resolution of disputes with consumers.

The new procedure affects more 30 millions of customers di Enel Energia and Enel Servizio Elettrico – respectively sales companies of the Enel Group for the Free Market and for the Enhanced Protection Service.

"The negotiation - Enel continues - will be online, free, fast and will constitute a condition of admissibility for the exercise of any legal action".

In addition to the Protocol, which governs the inspiring principles of the agreement, the parties have also signed the Regulation and the "Statute" on the basis of which the activity of certain technical bodies is organised: "Joint Guarantee and Control Committee", "Secretariat of negotiation ” and “Trading Fee”. The "Regulations" governing the procedures for carrying out the negotiation procedure have also been defined.

“The comparison between the Company and the Associations – he explains Carlo Tamburi, director of Enel Italy – has strengthened the common awareness that joint management not only makes it possible to respond effectively to consumer needs, but also to anticipate them. The monitoring and analysis of joint negotiation processes can also constitute a valid tool for the prevention of disputes, with undoubted advantages both for the company and above all for the customers”.

Here is the list of associations that have joined the protocol with Enel:

ACU – Association of Non-Profit Users Consumers; ADICOCONSUM – Association for the defense of consumers and the environment; ADOC – National Association for the Defense and Orientation of Consumers and users; ADUSBEF – Defense Association for Banking, Financial, Postal, Insurance Services Users; Other consumption; Ace-Consum; Absolute users; Consumer House; active citizenship; Codacons; Codes – Center for Citizen's Rights; CTCU extension – South Tyrol Consumer and User Protection Centre; Federation of Confconsumatori ACP; Consumers Association; Consumer League; Consumer Movement; Citizen Defense Movement; U.di.Con. – Consumer Defense Union; UNC – National Consumer Union.
