Matteo Zuppi, Cardinal cultured, intelligent and affable, unquestionably the best representative of the Italian Catholic Church, he does not have a magic wand. And no one expected the meeting of him with the President of Ukraine Zelensky could work miracles. "I'm here to listen, I'm not a mediator," she said realistically in Kiev during the two days spent in the Ukrainian capital precisely in the hours of the dam tragedy Nova Kakhovka, whose destruction can have devastating consequences comparable to those of our Vajont in the 60s. Peace cannot be invented and that of Cardinal Zuppi is, at the moment, an impossible mission. For now the weapons speak and Zuppi can only listen, understand and hope that through Kirill, the metropolitan of the Russian Orthodox Church, let some glimmer of light be opened in Moscow. But never say never. And if tomorrow, after the showdown on the battlefields, some hope of a truce opens between Russia e Ukraine or at least of dialogue, we will still hear about Zuppi who cannot work miracles but gives us hope for the peace of the future.
Matteo Zuppi, the Cardinal's impossible mission is a hope of dialogue for tomorrow's peace
"I'm here to listen, I'm not a mediator and I have no plans for peace," Cardinal Zuppi told Zelensky. Difficult to think of peace in the hours of the terrible destruction of the Nova Kakhovka dam but Zuppi is a good sower: for tomorrow