
Matteo Renzi, the stone guest of Giannini and Floris "scrapped" by Prodi and Scalfari

The premier was not there but last night he was the absolute protagonist of the television derby between Massimo Giannini's new "Ballarò" on Rai3 and "Dimartedì", the new program by Giovanni Floris on La7 - But the former premier Romano Prodi and the founder of “La Repubblica” Eugenio Scalfari scrapped it on the reforms, on the political style, on the art. 18 and more

Matteo Renzi, the stone guest of Giannini and Floris "scrapped" by Prodi and Scalfari

The theme is the same: the thousand days of the government program, the 80 euros, article 18. The set is very similar: squared armchairs for the guests, cardboard for Ballarò, fake stone like The Ancestors for Tuesday. Many supporting characters, in the usual mix of establishment/union, right/left, female/male. Always amazing Crozza, always sharp Benigni. 

But the real protagonist of the derby between Giovanni Floris and Massimo Giannini was only one: Matteo Renzi. Which was put on the sectoral table by Eugenio Scalfari on La7, and by Romano Prodi on Rai. Two men of the left, two influential trend-setters of collective thought. Perhaps chosen because there are two that Renzi cannot scrap, the first because it is out of his reach, the second because the others in the Democratic Party have already taken care of him, and then it could always come in handy for him, who knows, in an impasse on the Quirinal. 

Both have made it clear that they don't like the crib set up by Renzi. And on the triads of credibility, political clarity, and targeting, the things a leader who qualifies as new needs to keep most in mind have ripped him apart. 

In terms of the credibility of Renzi's political action, Prodi plunged the blade in without hesitation: «reforms are made with difficulty and in dialogue... the message that is given abroad must be implemented to the letter, in an inflexible way... the reforms must have a calm step», taught the professor, recalling that he has "a point of view in the Po": as Ivano Fossati says, a flat step against that of Renzi's bersagliere, who risks overwhelming everything and in the end being breathless . 

In terms of the honesty of the message, it was Scalfari who gave the hammer blow. Renzi, Berlusconi's heir?, asks Floris. «In some way it is», replies the founder of Repubblica, «both are seducers». That is, sellers of suggestions, political basilisks, sellers of freak elixirs. On the other hand it was Berlusconi who said «If we weren't opposed he would be my young son», he insists on quoting the founder. Same pasta, same style. Even the same singer and fan, Giuliano Ferrara, "in love with both". And even the same dangers, if Scalfari recalls the title of the editorial with which he greeted Silvio's entry into the field: "Makie Messer has a knife, but she can't see". 

And in terms of goals? Here Prodi is once again teaching a lesson, and on the hottest terrain, that of work. Is article 18 really the brake on the country's growth? asks Giannini. "Our labor cost - taking into account social security contributions - is lower than that of the Germans and a little even than that of the French", replies the Prof., and on entry and exit, the real problem of article 18, "it is true that excessive recourse to the judiciary has given rise to problems, but in fact they have been greatly facilitated in recent times". If anything, the real problem is internal flexibility, the one that allows factories to manage lack of inventory, new orders, but for this we need "a direct and strong dialogue between the union and the company, with good will", not legal solutions. An assist in favor of the union. 

I wonder if the boy from Florence has taken note.
