
Mattarella, the message: "Against war, cultivate the culture of peace and for young people neither resignation nor indifference"

Ninth end-of-year speech for President Sergio Mattarella, the second of his second mandate. “It is essential to make room for the culture of peace” only in this way will the violence end. To young people, "love is not selfishness". And then an appeal "vote, the free vote decides"

Mattarella, the message: "Against war, cultivate the culture of peace and for young people neither resignation nor indifference"

Making room for peace with culture, putting an end to the violence of wars but also gender violence, and then young people, the right job, and the next challenges of technology. These i temi addressed by the President Sergio Mattarella in his ninth end-of-year speech, the second of his second mandate, the 75th given by the Head of State, held in the Tofanelli hall at the Vetrata.

A bitter speech, 16 minutes long, aimed only at citizens. No mention or references, however, to the local political class.

“We cannot take our minds off what is happening around us. In our Italy, in the world. We know we are in a season that presents many reasons for alarm. And, together, new opportunities. We feel anguish due to the violence we often witness: between states, in society, in the streets, in scenes of daily life", said the President of the Republic.

The violence of war

Mattarella expressed concern about violence in the world, especially in the ongoing wars in Ukraine and the conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Middle East. He recalled the "devastation of Ukraine" and the "ferocity of Hamas" in the attack "despicable beyond words, in its inhumanity" against Israel but also underlined Israel's harsh reaction which caused many civilian victims and forced many people in Gaza to leave their homes.

The president recalled how hatred can last for a long time by self-generating: “And hatred will last, multiplied, for a long time, after the end of conflicts. War is the result of the refusal to recognize people and peoples as equals. Endowed with equal dignity."

Mattarella: “Peace is not abstract do-goodism but realism”

The President underlined the importance of promote the culture of peace and a peaceful mentality:

"Is essential make room for the culture of peace. To the mentality of peace. Talking about peace today is not abstract do-goodism. On the contrary, it is the most urgent and concrete exercise in realism, if we want to find a way out of a crisis that can be devastating for the future of humanity. We know that, to put an end to ongoing wars, it is not enough to invoke peace. It must be pursued by the will of governments. First of all, of those who triggered the conflicts."

Mattarella to young people: "love is not selfishness"

The president then spoke about the violence in daily life and then turned to the young people, mentioning the many feminicides that occurred during the year:

“Dear guys, I'll tell you in simple words: thelove is not selfishness, possession, dominion, misunderstood pride. Love – real love – is much more than respect: it is gift, gratuitousness, sensitivity. I am thinking of the verbal violence and expressions of denigration and hatred that often appear online. I think of the violence that some groups of young people seem to cultivate, sometimes as an expression of anger. I think of the resentment growing in the suburbs. Often the result of indifference; and the sense of abandonment. I think of the terrible tendency to identify adversaries or even enemies. towards whom to practice forms of aggression".

President Mattarella then addressed the social issues that affect young people and families, primarily the looking for the “right” job. It highlighted the lack of job opportunities despite a significant increase in employment. You underlined the presence of low-paid work that is often incompatible with workers' expectations and studies.

Mattarella also mentioned the unfair and poor workplace safety conditions, with numerous unacceptable victims. He criticized the enormous disparities in pay between a privileged few and many who live in poverty. The president then highlighted the difficulties in accessing healthcare for everyone, with waiting lists and unacceptably long times. He concluded by underlining the importance of the State guaranteeing the safety of coexistence.

Mattarella: "let's make artificial intelligence remain human"

The President also addressed a thought to the new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, which project civilization into a new future "the new leap of the third millennium". Artificial intelligence is ready to change our habits but for Mattarella it is necessary that "remains human".

“Now, with self-sustaining AI, it is generating unstoppable progress. Destined to profoundly change our professional, social and relational habits. We find ourselves in the middle of what will be remembered as the great historical leap of the beginning of the third millennium. We have to make sure that the revolution we are experiencing remains human. That is, inscribed within that tradition of civilization which sees the person - and his dignity - as the indispensable pillar".

Mattarella: "vote, the free vote decides"

Finally Mattarella launched aappeal on voting and on active participation in the common good of the Republic: “We are experiencing an epochal transition. We can all give something to our Italy. Something important. With our values. With the solidarity of which we are capable. With the active participation in civil life. Starting from the exercise of the right to vote. To define the path forward, it is the free vote that decides. Don't answer a survey, or be on social media."

As right as it is to pay taxes: "Theevasion reduces, to a large extent, the resources for common social security. And it delays the removal of public debt, which hinders our development".

Mattarella closed his speech with a note of hope: “The unity of the Republic is a way of being. United we are strong".
