
Mattarella, Renzi and the unique opportunity to relaunch Italy, but stability and reforms are needed

After the election to the Quirinale of an "honest and rigorous" person like Mattarella and after the success of Renzi, Italy has a unique opportunity to seize the economic recovery driven by the collapse of oil, the weakness of the euro and the monetary policy but needs two essential ingredients: political stability and the acceleration of reforms

Mattarella, Renzi and the unique opportunity to relaunch Italy, but stability and reforms are needed

That Mattarella is an honest and rigorous person is out of the question. We hope that he will work from the Quirinal, albeit with his usual discretion, to favor the completion of the reforms that our institutions urgently need. But beyond the entirely political game of identifying who won and who lost among the leaders of the various parties, it is better to try to understand if the rapid solution to the problem of finding a new head of state can benefit the Italian economy exhausted exit from almost seven years of crisis.

Certainly Renzj has brilliantly overcome the obstacle represented by the election of the President of the Republic (which two years ago was Bersani's Waterloo) and this should have a positive effect on the Government and on its will to carry on with the reforms. Certainly today Alfano is threatening to ask for a political "verification", while the Berlusconians say that the Nazarene pact is at least flawed, but many international observers will be able to see that all the pitfalls have so far been brilliantly overcome, and therefore will be able to have more "confidence" on the stability of the government and on the reform drive that comes from its leader.

A stability that is fundamental to allow Italy to fully seize the opportunities for economic recovery that are offered by the international scenario. The collapse in the price of oil, the weakness of the Euro, the monetary policy of the ECB, and a certain recovery in world trade could in theory boost our GDP by more than 2% for two years, according to calculations by the Study Center Confindustria. In practice, even if the boost were only half for our country, it would still be a clear trend reversal compared to the drop in GDP of almost 10 points in the last six years.

The latest indicators on household confidence and job creation bode well. However, it is clear that for Italy this recovery induced by the devaluation of the Euro and by the momentary weakness of oil could only be a flash in the pan, while to transform it into the start of a lasting phase of growth it is necessary to correct those internal diseconomies that pushed us towards the crisis well before the explosion of the American banks in 2008. We need to make our system more competitive by reforming the public sector where so much waste (and robbery) continues to lurk, making justice work and indicating a gradual but realistic path for the reduction of the tax burden. Then there are many other problems to solve. But no one expects them all to face each other together. However, the world needs to consolidate the trust that now in Italy there is a government and a ruling class seriously intending to break with the demagogic laxity of the past, to take the road that leads to the conquest for the whole country of a respectable place in the globalized world.

In this sense, Renzi's personal ability, who has shown that he knows how to navigate treacherous waters, fraught with many types of dangers, can be an important element in consolidating the image of our country among investors and in spreading greater optimism. on our future that often, we ourselves, see black or at least gray. The continuation with even greater vigor of the reforming action by the Government will allow the recovery of production and above all of employment already in the next few months. We are faced with a unique opportunity, it is to be hoped that personal resentments or rivalries do not prevail in our politics. And that Renzi, who was able to reunite the Democratic Party after the lacerations on the Jobs Act, does not slow down his race towards change. Italians can no longer wait for the long term of politics.
