
Mattarella to Europe: "We need to get out of the old patterns"

New appeal from the President of the Republic after the flop of the EU Council on Coronabonds. He is asking the EU for concrete decisions "in the coming days" and "before it is too late". And he thanks the Italians engaged in tackling the crisis. VIDEO

Mattarella to Europe: "We need to get out of the old patterns"

The President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella speaks again to Italians and above all to Europe, the day after the disappointing meeting of the EU Council which postponed the decision on Coronabonds of two weeks. Mattarella launches an appeal, published by the Quirinale, to inviting European partners to intervene "before it is too late". Here are the words of the president:

“Many Heads of State, from Europe and beyond, have expressed their closeness to Italy. Concrete support has come from several of their states. Everyone told me that their countries have made decisions following the choices made in Italy in this emergency. In the European Union, the Central Bank and the Commission, in recent days, have taken important and positive financial and economic decisions, supported by the European Parliament. The Council of Heads of National Governments has not yet done so. This is expected to happen concretely in the next few days. Further common initiatives are indispensable, overcoming old schemes now out of touch with the reality of the dramatic conditions in which our continent finds itself. I hope that everyone fully understands, before it is too late, the gravity of the threat to Europe. Solidarity is not only required by the values ​​of the Union but it is also in the common interest”.

Solidarity is in the common interest, Mattarella reminds the EU heads of government and gives courage to the Italians by recalling that it is also necessary to think about the moment of the restart and the measures to allow the economic recovery. The country, the world as a whole, is living a sad page and Mattarella thanks all those who are committed to facing this new "war". "In reconstruction - recalls the president - our people have always been able to express the best of themselves".
