
Matera, capital of culture, in Invernizzi's film on FIRST Arte

Matera dominates this weekend's FIRST Arte: the documentary film by Francesco Invernizzi tells the fascinating story – But don't miss the presentation of a particularly original Music Festival such as the one held in Norway, the Artists' Exchange dedicated to Mario Merz and the Tale of Sunday which this time is "A lucky man" by Pierluigi Porazzi

Matera, capital of culture, in Invernizzi's film on FIRST Arte

On the occasion of the opening of the year of Matera capital of culture, celebrated today by an event with the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella and with the premier Giuseppe Conte, the documentary film by director Francesco Invernizzi on the fascinating history of the Lucanian city arrives in cinemas for three days (from 21 to 23 January), one of the oldest settlements of humanity and artistic heritage of immeasurable beauty. The cover report by Patrizio Rossano on FIRST Art of this weekend.

"The images alone - we read on FIRST Arte - would be sufficient to fully convey the complete sense of beauty, of the suggestion, which inspire the primordial places of Matera". And again: "Perhaps the secret of Matera, of its charm, lies precisely in being the place of history, of its distant past and, at the same time, of the present of the lively and vital city".

But the documentary film on Materia, which will soon be visible also in streaming, is not the only reason of interest of this week's FIRST Arte. Do not miss the exhibitions in Piedmont on the Italian twentieth century represented in 630 works distributed in seven museum locations, but also the service on art and writing by Enrique Vila-Matas, one of the main Spanish literary figures, who explores the Caixa, the first Spanish institutional collection, founded in 1985 in Barcelona, ​​which includes more than a thousand works by international artists who have distinguished themselves in painting, sculpture, photography, cinema: the exhibition is in London.

Interesting, as always, the artists' portfolio, dedicated this week to Mario Merz, painter, sculptor, manipulator and alchemist, brilliantly narrated by Giuliano Papalini.

Particularly original is finally the service that presents a very special music festival that will open on February 14 in Norway, the Ice Music Festival Norway, where in the freezing Scandinavian winter musicians meet to make music with instruments composed of the purest ice of the fjords : a truly unique show in the world
