
Masks, when to wear them? That's all the rules

From August 17, the rules on masks established by the Ministry of Health come into force - Let's recap when it is mandatory to wear them and when not

Masks, when to wear them? That's all the rules

Masks, when to wear them? This is the question that many Italians are asking after the entry into force of the new rulesordinance signed on August 16 by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, in order to avoid a further increase in infections from Covid-19 which could jeopardize the country's recovery, putting a strain on the national health system again and putting the reopening of schools at risk. The data of the last few days are not encouraging at all, with constantly growing numbers, outbreaks scattered throughout the national territory and young people hospitalized. 

“The numbers of contagion in Italy, even if among the lowest in Europe, are growing. We cannot nullify the sacrifices made in the past months. Our priority must be to reopen schools in September in complete safety", underlined the minister.

The new rules on masks join those already in force in recent weeks and will be valid until 7 September. But when is it mandatory to cover the nose and mouth and when not? Let's recap all the rules in force on masks.


Besides close the clubs, the new ordinance of the Ministry of Health, establishes that from 17 August it is mandatory to wear masks from 18 to 6 in the morning 

"outdoors, in the spaces pertaining to places and premises open to the public as well as in public spaces (squares, open spaces, streets) where the formation of gatherings is easier due to the physical characteristics". 

Source: Ministry of Health

In short, in all open places where it will not be possible to maintain the social distance of at least 1 meter. The ordinance primarily targets nightlife venues, but also includes squares, streets and spaces pertaining to any establishment. In short, if we go for a walk in a crowded place, we will have to wear a mask, otherwise we will be subject to penalties.


The obligation established by the dpcm of 7 August to wear masks indoors and to maintain physical distancing has been confirmed. Mandatory mask therefore in shops, public offices, supermarkets, cinemas, theatres, museums, bars and restaurants when getting up from the table, and so on. The ban on gatherings also remains. Each Region has the possibility to adopt further restrictions in case of need. 

Also pay attention to how you wear the mask. You have to cover both nose and mouth 


Even more restrictive rules for means of transport. On board public transport, trains and planes, the mask is mandatory. Not only that, in the case of long journeys the mask must be changed every four hours. In the car, the obligation does not apply to cohabitants, while for non-cohabitants it is mandatory to cover the nose and mouth, unless the vehicle is equipped with a tax separator (for example the Plexiglas glass that we find on taxis).
