
Mario Draghi, a year ago the stab of M5S, Lega and Forza Italia but his legacy is not completely lost

A year has passed since the fall of the Draghi government due to the political crime signed by Conte, Salvini and Forza Italia but SuperMario's legacy has not been completely lost: both in economic policy and in support for Ukraine. And perhaps, also thanks to Draghi, populism is starting to falter, starting with the conversion of Giorgia Meloni

Mario Draghi, a year ago the stab of M5S, Lega and Forza Italia but his legacy is not completely lost

Who doesn't remember that hot July 20, 2022 when the plots hatched by Giuseppe Conte and Matteo Salvini, with the pathetic addition of Forza Italy, led to distrust in Parliament of Draghi government and its fall, a prelude to the early general elections of 25 September and the turn to the right?

The very high international reputation of the Draghi Government, the new economic miracle of the former central banker lent to politics - with growth in Italy's GDP of more than 10% in two years and greater than that of France and Germany, an unthinkable reduction public debt/GDP ratio and a growth in employment that has not been seen for years -, the decisive contribution to the defeat of Covid with the appointment of General Figliuolo as Extraordinary Commissioner, and the clear Atlanticist and pro-European and naturally pro-Ukraine international positioning does not we will never forget them and Italians in good faith can only be eternally grateful to them.

It cannot be said that the political crime against Draghi has brought luck to its perpetrators: the Five Star Movement has halved its votes and Giuseppe Conte no longer sees Palazzo Chigi even with binoculars, Matteo Salvini, who at the time of Papeete had in his pocket 40% of the potential votes of the voters, lost a landslide to the benefit of the astute Giorgia Meloni, and Forza Italia – even before the disappearance of Silvio Berlusconi – fights for his increasingly unlikely survival.

July 20, 2022 was an unfortunate day for Italy but it is comforting to note that at least part of Draghi's legacy is still standing. After the populist propaganda that made her win the elections, once she arrived at Palazzo Chigi, Meloni could do nothing but follow Draghi's economic policy trail: no more austerity but close attention to public finances and full awareness that the the fight against public debt is done above all by accelerating economic growth which in Italy remains higher than in Italy France e Germany. This is the greatest legacy that Super Mario Draghi has left to Italy. The second legacy is the clearly pro-Ukraine which even the Meloni government, pro-Atlantic like Draghi's, was induced to adopt, albeit with fluctuations at the European level.

Last consolation which for now is more a hope than a certainty: right-wing populism (Meloni first and Salvini still today) and left-wing (Cinque Stelle) seem to be in decline and also for this reason we will one day have to say thanks to SuperMario's pickaxes.
