
Mario Draghi: "Whatever it takes" to save Italy

Only in a dramatic hour like the present could the President's government arrive and the dream of entrusting the leadership of the country to Mario Draghi, the man of impossible missions who can pull Italy out of the terrible crisis in which it ended up - Mattarella deserves the thanks of all Italians – Renzi's were not whims

Mario Draghi: "Whatever it takes" to save Italy

Maybe it's really true that in the worst moments Italy can give its best. Only in a dramatic hour such as the one we are experiencing could the idea of ​​the President's government arrive and the dream of entrusting the leadership of Italy to a personality of great prestige and equally competent as Mario Draghi, a man who makes us feel proud to be Italian all over the world.

Whatever it takes, do everything possible: with just three words Mario Draghi is already in history for having saved the euro and Europe in one of the most difficult moments of our times. Now he is called to repeat the miracle to save and rebuild Italy, besieged by the pandemic, the recession, the social crisis and a political crisis that until yesterday seemed inextricable.

To learn more: It happened today - Draghi, 8 years ago the "whatever it takes" that saved Europe

His designation at the helm of Italy is the result of all this but above all the result of determination and far-sightedness of a President of the Republic like Sergio Mattarella, which once again put Italy's interests first and only those, heralding the end of the unpresentable palace games of most of the political forces. And it is also the fruit - this must be recognized without partisan spirit - of the courage and tenacity of the leader of Italia Viva, Matteo Renzi, whose unsettling moves were not the result of a personal whim but the result of a lucid design aimed at interrupting the perverse combination of populism and immobilism and to open a new political scenario to relaunch the country and put it back in full harmony with Europe.

Mario Draghi has no magic wand but he is the right man at the right time. He has the experience, the competence, the prestige, the authority, the ability to do and do quickly all that is needed to save, rebuild, reform and relaunch our country by fully reconnecting it to Europe, which offers us a historic opportunity with the Next Generation EU but which finally expects another Italy.

The former Governor of the Bank of Italy and former President of the ECB is in front of him three challenges to shake the wrists:

  1. dominate the emergency of the pandemic;
  2. face up to the economic recession;
  3. handle the social crisis.

But he is the man of impossible missions and will not be frightened by difficulties. He will certainly face them with determination and intelligence by combining professionalism with civil passion. He is wrong who thinks that Draghi is an icy technocrat. On the contrary, he is a civil servants who has a soul and an undoubted political capacity in the noble sense of the word. And above all she has long gaze on the future and on the new generations which, as he wrote a few months ago on the Financial Times, they need study and work and not tips and subsidies. To achieve these goals you can also make new public debt but, as you have already had the opportunity to explain, must be “good” debt, not intended for unproductive current spending but for investment and reform.

After years of political madness, with Mario Draghi Italy finally has the opportunity to turn around and start over, starting a new season of reforms and giving all of us back the pride of being Italian and European. And it is even embarrassing to remember that in the exceptional nature of the hour there is no longer room for the unspeakable power games that have so far dominated the political scene. Whatever it takes. Come on Super Mario.

The enigma Draghi, who really is the man who saved the euro
