
Marcegaglia on the attack: "Maneuver doesn't solve the problems: there's nothing to get back to growth"

The President of Confindustria rejects the maneuver: '”There is too much pessimism around Italy, it is not acceptable to be perceived with less credibility than Spain: we are stronger than them, but we are perceived that way on the markets”

Marcegaglia on the attack: "Maneuver doesn't solve the problems: there's nothing to get back to growth"

"We are worse than Spain": this is the pitiless judgment of the President of Confindustria Emma Marcegaglia, who rejects the Government's maneuver in no uncertain terms: "It has nothing to grow again".

Just five days after the invitation to the Government to "act or draw the consequences",  Marcegaglia returns to the attack of the executive: ”Today the maneuver will be voted on and will become law, but this maneuver does not solve Italy's problems, if we continue to grow with zero, we will not be able to do anything. Returning to growth is essential and this maneuver has nothing to return to growth ”.

"Even if it is good in terms of sales - he added -, it is wrong in many things because 65% of it is made up of taxes, it has nothing structural, nothing about privatization and liberalisation".

In particular, the President of the Italian industrialists points the finger at the loss of credibility. ”There is too much pessimism around Italy, it is not acceptable to be perceived with less credibility than Spain: we are a stronger country than Spain, but this is how we are perceived on the markets". The imperative is to "recover credibility, here we are faced with a fall in the country's credibility".

The president of the industrialists also explained that "having a spread of 400 basis points is not a financial thing, but an economic one: having this spread means that the banks no longer have the money to finance themselves, and they no longer have the money to give to us".
