
Maneuver, final rush to the Chamber. And it's already a clash over income

The decisive week for the budget law opens, which between Thursday and Saturday will have to obtain the definitive go-ahead in Montecitorio – Meanwhile, the decree on the grillini's flag measure is being discussed: resources are not enough and the Northern League want to set limits – It does not stop the lawsuit on the Ncc decree

Maneuver, final rush to the Chamber. And it's already a clash over income

After Saturday's race in the Senate, where the maneuver was approved without any examination, the ball is now in the House. To avoid the provisional exercise, the budget law must obtain the go-ahead by next Monday: it is therefore foreseeable that the text will arrive in Montecitorio by Thursday and be released by Saturday at the latest.

The use of trust, the almost zeroing of the debate and the clash between the majority and the opposition are discounted.
Meanwhile, the government is already working on another front. That of the two decrees to be finalized by January on the two flagship measures: quota 100 and basic income.


According to the latest rumors, the 7,1 billion available for the M5S intervention (two less than expected before the negotiations with Brussels and even 10 less than promised before March 4) would be enough for just over four million of people. About 700 thousand would be left out compared to the 5 million audience to which the government has always referred.


Not only. The decree for the citizen's income will have to be approved by the Council of Ministers and the League is determined to set some limits. In particular, the Carroccio would like the measure to be shaped along the lines of the income of autonomy (Rda) introduced in 2015 in Lombardy by the governor Roberto Maroni and in force until this year. It would be a package made up of five measures: abolition of the health ticket, baby bonus, rental bonus, autonomy allowance and a 300 euro job placement project for the unemployed but for a limited period. Nothing to do with the 780 rain designed by the grillini.


The Ministry of Labor claims that the provision is now ready, even if neither the requirements for access nor the implementation times are known yet: Di Maio said that it will start at the end of March, but there are still those who speak of June. The will of the M5S, of course, is to start with disbursements before the European elections in May.


A decree that has already reached the end of the line is the one that solves the dispute between taxis and Ncc. The provision was approved on Saturday night and largely follows the one initially included in the maxi-amendment to the maneuver and then canceled due to coverage problems.

In essence, the NCC will be able to operate in the provincial area, but without always having to return to the garage. The derogation is envisaged if "more bookings than the first" are already indicated in the "service sheet". There is also a two-year exemption for those who have contracts with companies from other territories, signed up to 15 days before the decree comes into force.

The decree also establishes a 90-day moratorium on sanctions from the entry into force of the decree and a halt to the issue of new authorizations until the full operation of a new "national public computer archive" which will record all licenses, including taxis.

“It is a devastating decree – commented Giulio Aloisi of Anitrav (Ncc) – which will not allow rental companies with driver to be able to carry out their work even before December 31st. Now the last chance left is the President of the Republic, the only one who can save a category of 80000 businesses”.
