
Maneuver, Roubini: recovery ok, but no growth

From his Twitter page, the economist wonders "what will restore economic growth, given that the austerity supplement and tax increases will aggravate the recession?" – Despite the latest package launched by the Monti government, Italy will need "ample financial support".

Maneuver, Roubini: recovery ok, but no growth

As regards the consolidation of public finances, the maneuver by the Monti government is "significant". But “what will restore economic growth, given that the austerity supplement and tax increases will exacerbate the recession?”. This is the doubt expressed by the economist Nouriel Roubini, who for months has said he is skeptical of our country's chances of recovery, arguing the need for debt restructuring.

From his profile on Twitter, Roubini states that despite this latest maneuver, Italy will still need “a large one financial support“, be it from the International Monetary Fund, the ECB or the partners of the euro area.
