
Maneuver, pensions: stop at automatic revaluation for the highest

by Carlo Musilli - The draft of the maneuver that will arrive in the Council of Ministers on Thursday foresees the cooling of the highest pensions and the increase in the retirement age for women - Also in view of the stop to hiring in the public administration and measures that should affect the salaries of politicians.

Maneuver, pensions: stop at automatic revaluation for the highest

The hiring freeze in the public administration will be extended by one year, until 2014. But the stop will not start immediately and will not affect the police and firefighters. The freeze is deferred to a later regulation. The stoppage will instead concern the hiring of new personnel in tax agencies, non-economic public bodies and some other bodies such as the opera houses, the Italian Space Agency, Coni, Cnel, and Enac. This is one of the first indiscretions on the draft of the maneuver being finalized by the Government. The text, expected for Thursday in the Council of Ministers, also provides for the freezing of contractual increases for state-owned companies until 2014. The overall squeeze on public employment is worth around 1,5 billion in the four-year period 2013-2016.

Another measure should hit the wallets of politicians: "It is probable that ministers, starting next month, will no longer have their salaries", said Agriculture Minister Saverio Romano, exiting early from the majority meeting underway in Grazioli Palace. The decree also confirms the introduction of the logic of standard costs to the expenses of the ministries to overcome the mechanism of linear cuts in the future. The Treasury aims to start a cycle of "spending reviews" to "define the standard needs of the spending programs of the central state administrations". In particular, "for the peripheral administrations of the State, specific methodologies are proposed to quantify the relative needs, also for the purpose of allocating resources within their overall endowment".

On the social security side, a tightening of the highest pensions is on the way with a stop to automatic revaluation. For the two-year period 2012-2013, the measure applies to pensions exceeding five times the minimum INPS treatment, while for those between three and five times the minimum the automatic revaluation is 45%. The first rumors also spoke of a gradual increase in the retirement age of women from 2012, both in the public and private sectors, to reach 65 in 2020. From 2012, the age requirements would increase by one year (up to 61 years ) to then undergo an equal increase every two years for the following eight years. But the Minister of Labour, Maurizio Sacconi, immediately denied it, specifying that "the hypotheses indicated are simply unfounded".

The maneuver should also put a stop to marriages of interest between cleaners and pensioners by reducing the survivor's pension by 10% from 2012 January XNUMX. The law will apply in cases where the marriage with the pensioner was contracted after the age of seventy and the age difference between the spouses is more than twenty years.

Public real estate funds are also on the way to enhance local heritage. The Ministry of the Economy will set up an asset management company with a share capital of 2 million for the establishment of one or more investment funds. Foundations and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti can also participate. At the same time, Patrimonio spa was dissolved and placed in liquidation.

As for the international missions in which Italy is engaged, 31 million euros will be allocated from July 700st to December 2012st. In other sections, the draft also lays the foundations for the privatization of the Italian Red Cross from 930 and for the establishment of the Road Infrastructure Agency, based in Rome at the Ministry of Transport. In favor of infrastructure, 2012 million will be allocated in 2013 and one billion a year between 2016 and XNUMX.
