
Maneuver: Marcegaglia, cut spending or we'll end up like Greece

Harsh warning from the leader of Confindustria, who specifies how Italy is not like Greece, but runs the risk of becoming one - The real must for the Government is "cutting waste" - "Every time there is a change the barricades are raised, but this is not the Italy we want”.

Maneuver: Marcegaglia, cut spending or we'll end up like Greece

While there is still no clarity on what the definitive text of the financial maneuver is, dark omens come directly from Confindutria. "In a complex moment like this, our country needs to cut public spending to rebalance the public accounts, otherwise we will become like Greece, even if we are not like Greece". This is the warning launched today by the president of the industrialists, Emma Marcegaglia, speaking on the maneuver during the Leonardo Prize.  

"Cutting public spending is a must - he added - nobody likes it but we can do it". For this reason, the Government must "think about how to cut waste". As for the reforms, according to Marcegaglia, "every time there is a change the barricades are raised, but this is not the Italy we want".
