
Maneuver, here are the amendments: taxes and more

There are 4.500 proposed amendments, but after skimming they will be reduced to around 700 - Pd backtracks on plastic tax and sugar tax - The 5 Stars relaunch VAT and the Imu arrears of the Church - Renzi lashes out against Quota 100

Maneuver, here are the amendments: taxes and more

It rains throughout Italy and also in Parliament, where on maneuver a flood has just hit 4.500 amendments. After the screening of the inadmissible ones and the signaling by the parties of the truly strategic ones, in the end they should remain on the table about 700, on which the real game around the maneuver will be played. In any case, it is significant that all forces have targeted the budget law, both in the ranks of the opposition and those of the majority. And to think that until a few days ago there was talk of a "shared manoeuvre".

In addition to Renzi's Italia Viva, which for weeks has been trying to gain consensus by setting up a no-tax battle, also the Pd presented many modification proposals (originally as many as 921, more than double the 435 of the 5 Star Movement). Among the corrections by dem, the most significant ones concern la reduction of the plastic tax (from 1 euro to 0,8 euro per kilo, excluding recycled plastic packaging), the sugar tax and the company car tax (which will only apply to vehicles registered in 2020): all measures defended until yesterday with conviction by the Democratic Party, which perhaps decided to give way on this front precisely in order not to expose its side to the anti-tax crusade of Italia Viva.

The Renzians also want the abolition of Quota 100, but on this front they meet the resistance of the M5S: "Someone must be angry with pensioners and with the environment - Di Maio thunders - But Quota 100 cannot be touched".

In their amendments, the pentastellati relaunch on theReduced VAT for early childhood products, as well as asking for an extension for those who believe they have been defrauded by the banks and want to appeal. Not only that: the 5S also mean recover the overdue Imu of the Church.  

Meanwhile, the secretary of the Democratic Party, Nicola Zingaretti, tries to lower the tension in the majority by assuring that "Italy will make it", because "this maneuver secures the country".

The number one of the Democratic Party said he was "sincerely optimistic and confident that in this phase in which there is a prevalence of the will to show the addresses by the groups, a synthesis phase will open to arrive at a useful equilibrium point".

Zingaretti then made fun of the 120 billion investment plan suggested by Renzi, which focuses on the rapid release of the Expo model construction sites. The answer was not long in coming: "If the Pd leader needs a hand to understand where the money is to unblock the construction sites, he has only to ask for it".

Ruggini playing into the hands of the opposition: "Last year we presented about 250 amendments as the League and 300 in total for the 5 Stars in the Senate - recalled Massimiliano Romeo, group leader of the Carroccio at Palazzo Madama - This year the amendments of the yellow and red majority are more than 1.500, testifying to the fact that they form the opposition by themselves”.

On the other side of the fence, the Treasury and Palazzo Chigi are defending the structure of the maneuver, in an attempt to prevent the passage in the House and Senate from altering the balances in an indigestible way for Brussels, which does not like, but does not even reject the current version of the law.

"It is a moderately expansive manoeuvre, oriented towards lasting growth," the Prime Minister said on Tuesday, Joseph Conte, at the inauguration of the school year of the Guardia di Finanza, which was also the occasion for a 20-minute interview with the Minister of Economy, Roberto Gualtieri. “We wanted to avoid any increase in the tax burden – added the head of government – ​​even in a particularly complicated public finance context. On the contrary, we have tried to increase investments for growth, environmental and social sustainability".

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