
Corrective maneuver: the Government no longer excludes it

After the many reassurances received from Tria, which has repeatedly ruled out the possibility of re-handling the public finances, Undersecretary Giorgetti opens up to this hypothesis: "We will see in the coming months" - And again, on strengthened autonomy: "They are in the programme, they done”

Corrective maneuver: the Government no longer excludes it

For the first time the Government opens up the possibility of a corrective maneuver in 2019. "We will see in the coming months": thus the undersecretary to the presidency of the Council, Giancarlo Giorgetti, he replied to those who asked him if with the recession it will be necessary to restore public accounts.

Just 10 days ago the issue of the Treasury, Giovanni Tria, had ruled out the possibility of a new intervention on the state budget. In the Chamber in the Chamber, the minister had said that, even in the event of an economic slowdown, "the need for a corrective" maneuver would not arise, because "a possible overrun, if due to a worsening of the cycle", causes " a widening of the output gap and has no impact on the structural balance”, a parameter used to assess compliance with EU rules.

Beyond the technical aspects, on the political level the main doubt concerns the timing. That the yellow-green government agrees to correct public balances before the European elections is unlikely. On the other hand, after the May vote it is said that the majority is not cohesive enough to address such a delicate issue. Also because there will be no shortage of opportunities for confrontation in the next three months. And it is not even said that the Government will remain the same as now.

Once the matter has been closedauthorization to proceed against Matteo Salvini for the Diciotti case – on which today the militants of the 5 Star Movement express themselves through the Rousseau platform – at least two difficult-to-solve puzzles will remain on the table: the Tav and the law on the so-called “strengthened autonomy” for Veneto, Lombardy and Emilia Romagna.

Giorgetti also spoke today on the reform requested by the three large Northern Regions, underlining that the provision "was part of the government program and must be done".

The conviction of the Northern League undersecretary on this point is not shared by the Movimento 5 Stelle, which, unlike the Carroccio, has its electoral base in the South. "Woe to create a context in which there are citizens of series A and citizens of series B, an outcome expressly prohibited by the Constitution" reads a report on the reform edited by the M5S.
