
Maneuver, Bossi: "The Government risks until it passes"

At the end of this afternoon's majority summit in Palazzo Grazioli, the leader of the Carroccio reiterated the hardly conciliatory tone towards the allies - But Berlusconi and Alfano throw water on the fire: "Constructive atmosphere and absolute collaboration".

Maneuver, Bossi: "The Government risks until it passes"

Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said he was satisfied with the atmosphere that characterized the majority summit on tax maneuvers and reforms which took place in the early afternoon at Palazzo Grazioli. According to the prime minister, it would now be important to transmit this cohesion also to the outside world to demonstrate the government's strength. Berlusconi's main interlocutors were, of course, Carroccio leader Umberto Bossi and Economy Minister Giulio Tremonti, but various members of the PdL, Lega and Responsabili were also present.

Ministers (Sacconi, Frattini, Brunetta, Calderoli and Alfano), group leaders and leaders of the three coalition parties, such as Fabrizio Cicchitto and Maurizio Gasparri, took part. The PDL parliamentarian, as well as the prime minister's lawyer, Niccolò Ghedini, and the undersecretaries Gianni Letta and Paolo Bonaiuti did not miss the appointment either. Despite the prime minister's good feelings, his closest allies are not about to tone it down. The Government "risks until the maneuver is passed - Bossi remarked at the end of the meeting - we still have to work on it".

The leader of the Carroccio speaks clearly, but the Minister of Justice Angelino Alfano underlines how that of the Northern League is a behavior "of absolute collaboration as well as constructive", because they have placed themselves "in a logic of support for the maneuver and therefore for the coalition". The IDV leader, Antonio Di Pietro, also expressed his opinion on the provision: “We will examine Tremonti's maneuver item by item and in the end we will say yes or no. If Minister Tremonti then votes on our amendments, we will be happy about it…”. (cm)
