
Maneuver 2023 is law: green light from the Senate to the first budget law of the Meloni government. Here are the measurements

The path was as short as it was bumpy, but in the end the Senate approved the 2023 maneuver on time. Here's what you need to know

Maneuver 2023 is law: green light from the Senate to the first budget law of the Meloni government. Here are the measurements

La maneuver becomes law, once the provisional exercise is averted. A real race against time, marked by failed promises, countless about-faces, mistakes and delays but in the end the first maneuver by Meloni was approved officially since Senate with 107 votes in favour, 69 against and 1 abstention. "Mission accomplished" for the Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Giorgetti: “The budget we have presented respects the commitments made with the voters and has first gained the trust of the markets and the European institutions and now even more importantly, that of Parliament. Prudence, consistency and responsibility build trust”. The budget law for 2023, worth 35 billion, is dedicated (for the vast majority) to combating high energy prices: items that take 21 billion and which, in many cases, have a time horizon limited to the first quarter of the year. 

The maneuver (21 articles, thousands of paragraphs, for a total of 488 pages) was approved by the Senate without any changes, given that it arrived armored at Palazzo Madama. Too little time not to fall into the provisional exercise, the nightmare of every government, which would have started on 1 January 2023. The Budget Law has received a lot of criticism, not only from the opposition, but also from trade unions and the world of associations . The government, on the other hand, proudly claims the measures taken in the short time foreseen. So let's see what they are measures most important.

Skipped the rule on Pos, the only ones news of the maneuver of the Meloni government are the squeeze on CBI, which next year will be paid only for 7 months to presumed employable people and the raising of the cash cap, raised to 5 thousand euros. In the energy field, the tax credit for business and doubled the tax on extra profits: the 25% contribution calculated on the VAT for 2022 becomes 50% calculated on the taxable Ires and on the average increase above 10 calculated over the previous four years.

A full-bodied is contained in the maneuver work package with the refinancing of the Cig, the extension of the smart working only for the frail, tax wedge cut and hiring incentives. The tax is halved productivity bonuses: 10 to 5%.

Limited possibilities, however, for those who want to go in board in advance: share 103, pending a real reform of the Fornero law, includes those with at least 41 years of contributions and 62 years of age, and Option Donna however, the possibility remains only for those who are at least 60 years old, the age is reduced by one or two years in the case of children. 

The Government then included in the Maneuver a substantial package of rules concerning the relationship between Revenue authorities e Taxpayers. Among the twelve amnesties envisaged, there is the tightening of tax debts below 1.000 euros for the period 2000-2015. With the exception of the Municipalities which will be able to choose whether or not to cancel the credits.

In the menu of the Government there are also numerous bonus, some renewed but with some modifications (il Super bonus) others added from scratch: such as the “food income" and the 18 app which splits into the Youth and Merit Charter.

Maneuver approved by the Senate: what the opposition thinks about it

Obviously there have been several criticisms from the opposition. An "austere and restrictive" budget law is nothing but a warm rag, he said Alessandra Majorino, Senator of the M5S. It doesn't even go lightly Simon Malpezzi, senator of the Democratic Party, who defined the maneuver as “the mirror of the majority: it is right-wing. Cuts on education, health care, women". And again: "This right cancels the RdC but does not want the minimum wage, pretending to ignore that there are underpaid, poor jobs and that there are precarious workers".

"But what really?". These are the first words of the leader of Action, Carlo Calenda: “After ten years of revolutionary proclamations, hymns to Trump, Bolsonaro, Johnson, Orban, Putin, requests to leave the euro, titanic struggles against the mainstream and the powers that be, have you produced something like this, gray and useless? The budget law should reflect your vision of the country and in your case it should express the contents of the glorious sovereign revolution, fists on the table, Italians first and all that stuff. So much ado about nothing."
