Il cabinet gave the green light to the new budget package, which according to estimates by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, weighs (in gross terms) approximately 30 billion in 2025, 35 billion in 2026 and over 40 billion in 2027. Among the news main ones, a “card for newborns” stands out, intended for families with an ISEE below 40 thousand euros, in addition to an increase in the bonus for nursery schools. On the fiscal front, confirmed il wedge cut , Irpef reform. For retirees, no revolution, but an incentive for those who decide to continue working beyond retirement age. Green light for the controversial withdrawal of 3,5 billion from banks and health insurance companies. More details will be provided during the press conference scheduled for Wednesday morning at 11.
Not only that: the Council of Ministers also approved a decree law with urgent measures in economic and fiscal matters, in favor of territorial entities, and a legislative decree for the revision of the provisions on excise duties. Finally, the budget plan document and budget law outline they were sent to the European Commission, thus outlining the overall picture of the maneuver.
Tax wedge and Irpef: what's new
The Ministry of Economy has announced that the maneuver will make the tax wedge cut , Three-tier Irpef reform. These two interventions account for about 14 billion, almost half of the maneuver. The reduction of the wedge will continue to guarantee about 100 euros more per month in the paycheck, but with a new feature: from 2025, the contribution discount will be reserved for incomes up to 20 thousand euros. Above this threshold, the benefit will transform into an increase in deductions up to 35 thousand euros, with a gradual decalage up to 40 thousand euros.
If the funds from the preventive settlement agreement and the tax repentance allow it, the government could also lower the intermediate Irpef rate from 35% to 33% for incomes up to 50 thousand euros. Finally, the 5% preferential taxation on company productivity bonuses has been confirmed.
Pensions and work: rewards for those who remain active
On the front pensions, no surprises: last year's measures are confirmed, but with an additional incentive for those who, despite having reached retirement age, decide to continue working, the so-called "Maroni bonus”. Instead, Quota 103, Ape sociale and Opzione donna will remain with the same rather restrictive requirements. Full indexation of pensions to inflation is guaranteed and there is talk of an increase in minimum pensions. A “silent consent” is also possible to facilitate access to supplementary pension provision.
Birth and nursery bonus
The maneuver, the final version of which will be known in the next few days, introduces a new 1.000 euro bonus for newborns, intended for parents with an ISEE income of less than 40 thousand euros, to cover the first expenses related to the birth.
There is also a push to bonus for nursery schools, with an interesting detail: theuniversal single allowance will not be calculated in the ISEE for those who request this bonus, thus facilitating access for more families.
La “dedicated to you” card, a subsidy of 500 euros, is refinanced for 2025, and will be modulated based on the number of dependent family members, increasing tax deductions for larger families.
Family quotient
Among the main innovations of the maneuver is the gradual introduction of the "family quotient", with a rationalization of tax deductions. The maximum deductible amount will be modulated based on the composition of the family unit, favoring large families. It also foresees a reduction in the income threshold beyond which the reduction in tax discounts applies.
Deductions and fringe benefits
The maneuver also includes some adjustments to tax deductions: the more dependent children you have, the more deductions you can get. In addition, the 5% preferential tax on productivity bonuses is confirmed, and there are increased fringe benefits for those willing to pack their bags and travel more than 100 kilometers for work.
“Contribution” from banks and insurance companies for health care
The government has allocated resources for the renewal of public employment contracts for the three-year period 2025-2027, with particular attention to healthcare. In addition, a good 3,5 billion – divided over two years, not retroactive and one-off – from banks and insurance companies will be invested to improve healthcare services and support the most vulnerable. At the moment, among the hypotheses is that it will be an advance on DTA and active deferred taxes. The dowry put in place by the government is about 3 billion that will be used to finance the new hiring plan for doctors and nurses and guarantee, at the same time, higher salaries, also with the introduction of a flat tax on allowances.
5% cuts to ministries, excluding municipalities and health
To finance the maneuver, the ministries will have to reduce their own 5% expenses, while local authorities and Municipality will exempted from these cuts. Even the Health will be exempted from these sacrifices, indeed, the healthcare sector will receive additional resources for the renewal of staff contracts for the two-year period 2025-2027, as confirmed by the Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Giorgetti.
Incentives for work and the South
In the South the following are confirmed incentives for youth and female employment, with extensions until 2027, as well as the tax relief for companies located in the ZES (Special Economic Zones) and incentives for self-employment in the sectors of new technologies and ecological transition. Increased fringe benefits are also foreseen for workers who accept transfers of more than 100 kilometers.
Home: extension of the renovation bonus
The maneuver extends the 50% renovation bonus for 2025, avoiding the reduction to 36% provided for by current legislation. However, the relief will be limited to first homes. There has been an insistence on reviewing the land registry income for those who have benefited from the 110% Superbonus, but it is not yet clear whether this rule has actually been adopted.
Crackdown on public managers' salaries
One is coming cap on compensation for managers of public bodies, foundations e unlisted companies. According to leaks, these executives will not be able to earn more than the Prime Minister, with the limit set at around 80 thousand euros per year. The measure, strongly supported by Minister Giorgetti, was included in the financial maneuver.
Will diesel excise duty increase?
Contrary to what was expected, in the legislative decree on realignment of excise duties there are no measures regarding petrol and diesel. The focus of the provision is on natural gas, electricity, lubricating oils and tobacco products, with a series of administrative simplifications. For example, bars and businesses that sell alcohol they will no longer have to submit a separate report to the Customs Agency: the communication of the start of activity to the Suap will be sufficient.
There is also news for smoking products: the duration of the authorizations for the sale of liquid inhalation products and tobacco worked will be extended from 2 to 4 years.
An eye on defense
The bill also provides for the Strengthening investments in the defense sector, with the aim of ensuring consistency with the new European directives on public investments post-PNRR.