Maneuver 2022: from the wedge to 102-104, here's the news

Photo by Michael Longmire on Unsplash

The government launched on Tuesday the Budget planning document, which contains the outline of the 2022 maneuver, and has already sent it to Brussels (which expected it by 15 October) and to Parliament. The maneuver itself will be approved between the end of this week and the beginning of next. It will have a port of 23 billion.


Among the most important ingredients of the next budget law is the cut in the tax wedge: it will be above all in favor of the middle class and will count on an allocation of eight billion euros, which under the pressure of the parties could rise to 10.


The debate is still open on pensions. According to the government, it is necessary to return to an ordinary regime, exceeding Quota 100 without falling back into the absolute rigor of the Fornero law. The idea is to establish two stages: share 102 in 2022 (which would allow for early retirement with at least 64 years of age and 38 contributions) and then 104 from the following year (66 years of age and 38 contributions). The League has raised its reservations on this measure.


The 110% Superbonus has been refinanced until the end of 2023. However, the measure should only apply to condominiums. The 65% Ecobonus has also been refinanced. The 50% bonus on green furniture and appliances has been renewed, as have the discounts on decoders and TVs. Goodbye, instead, al facade bonuses which should therefore end on December 31 of this year.


To mitigate the strong increase in electricity and gas bills, the government intervenes with an emergency allocation of one billion euros.


The basic income is refinanced for 2022 with 8,8 billion euros, the same amount spent in 2021 but less than what would have been spent under unchanged legislation. The "squeeze" from the controls, which will be more stringent, and also from the mechanism of incentives to return to work: in case of refusal of an offer, the check will be reduced.


The discussion on the overall reform of social safety nets is still open. The goal is to create an equal training and reintegration path for recipients of unemployment benefits, basic income and other aid.

There should also be tax exemptions for workers in companies in crisis and the refinancing of measures in favor of female and youth entrepreneurship.

The aim is to make the 10-day paternity leave structural and to encourage women's work with a special contribution reduction for women who return to work after maternity leave.


Finally, the National Health Fund is increased by two billion.

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