
Mancini d'Arabia takes the money and runs away but he could have spared us the tricks and above all the victimhood

Mancini is the new Saudi Arabian coach after one fool after another: that behind the farewell to our national team there was the scent of Arab money was Pulcinella's secret and in fact the truth came out. Too late to avoid a crazy image drop

Mancini d'Arabia takes the money and runs away but he could have spared us the tricks and above all the victimhood

Maurizio is not wrong Crosetti to write about Republic that that of the former coach of the Italian national football team, Roberto Mancini, "is the worst departure from the scene of all time". First them resignation from the Italy bench communicated via email (!) on the eve of August XNUMXth, then the lies to deny a stratospheric offer from theSaudi Arabia (100 million euros in 4 years) which was already in progress before announcing the farewell to National and which turned out to be an open secret and, finally, the victimization of the more than legitimate indignation of the Italian fans. Mancini was perfectly free to make the choices he wanted but it required sincerity and style: he had neither one nor the other. But the worst thing is the victimhood with which the former national team coach seasoned his farewell to our country: "In Italy I was treated like the monster of Florence“. Really? But when ever? Mancini has simply reaped what he had sown: the disappointment of the Italian fans at the inelegant way in which he left. He doesn't resign from coaching with an email and you don't invent excuses to hide the scent of Arab money. His late friend Gianluca vialli he never would. Mancini was unable to bring Italy to the World Cup but now the world record for bad luck belongs to him. Him off the tower without a doubt.
