
"Garden sickness-Nature and the art of greenery"

"Garden sickness - Nature and green art" has recently been released, edited by Progedit, edited by Franco Botta, an economist from Bari and a great lover of gardens, and by Giuseppe Caccavale, who teaches Mural Arts and Design at the Ecole nationale superieure of the artes decoratifs of Paris

"Garden sickness-Nature and the art of greenery"

“Is there still room for gardens? When any luxuriant mass of plants, even those that we would have previously judged confused and ungainly, is accepted without question, what can be the job of a gardener? Do we really think he can only be an observer and keeper of nature or do we still need to have gardens." This is what is asked in "Garden sickness-Nature and the art of greenery" Franco Botta, economist from Bari, author together with Giuseppe Caccavale of the book published by Progedit and just released in bookstores.

“For a long time, gardens – adds Botta – have been places where man fought his battle against “wild nature”. Instead, can they become spaces in which the two contenders now dialogue with each other and play together to create "other natures"? We live in an era in which it is necessary to take care of the world and gardens can become meeting and experimentation places, not to repeat what nature creates spontaneously, but to build laboratories in which to stage other shows”.

“The book is a tree and the tree is a book. The book is a tree that walks in our company” writes Caccavale in turn, who warns: “This book-tree would like every leaf to become a gesture of attention, every page a hand that guides us with its eyes towards the eyes colored like flowers".
