
Di Maio and the so-called golden pensions: one own goal after another

From InPiù - In order not to increase the retirement age, the leader of the Five Stars, not knowing where to rake in the necessary 12 billion euros, has come to propose the cancellation of what he improperly calls "golden pensions" but which are equivalent to monthly checks of 5 euros gross of 145 people who have regularly paid contributions throughout their lives to finance the social security that Di Maio would now like to steal from them

Di Maio and the so-called golden pensions: one own goal after another

The premier in pectore grillino Di Maio has found the resources needed to avoid increasing the retirement age in line with life expectancy: just cancel the “golden” pensions”, identified as those with an amount exceeding 5000 euros.

According to INPS data it is about 145.000 people, who receive pensions totaling approximately 12 billion. 12 billion is precisely the sum that would be needed to abolish the retirement age reform introduced in 2011 by the Fornero Law. As always, after having fired it big, then the ineffable grillino leader belittles, water down, deny. Meanwhile, the message to the voters has gone.

Having never worked, I imagine it Di Maio does not know that those deplorable pensions correspond mostly to contributions taken from the paycheck during a working life, i.e. savings set aside through the pension system to secure an income after the end of working age.

That if those pensions are canceled, porters may be left without adequate livelihoods, even though they have saved up all their lives to put money aside. But for the grillino leader, just labeling someone as “rich” is enough to justify income expropriation and, probably, also of the heritage.

But appetite comes with eating. After canceling pensions above 5000 euros, those above 4000 euros, which are much more, could be canceled to finance the citizen's income - another measure that Di Maio favors, being an income paid regardless of the work performed. And then even larger redistribution programs could be financed, lowering the cancellation threshold to 3000 euros, and then perhaps to 2000. Up to making Italy a huge phalanstery of poor pensioners to support millions of people who are not working.

