
Mainetti: Sorgente RES could land on the stock exchange as early as 2015

The landing of Sorgente RES on the Stock Exchange thanks to the Sblocca-Italia and the timid signs of recovery. But there is still a lot to do, says the CEO of Sorgente Mainetti.

Mainetti: Sorgente RES could land on the stock exchange as early as 2015

The managing director Valter Mainetti of the Soergente Group communicated the possibility of the Sorgente RES landing on the Stock Exchange following the changes that took place in the real estate companies listed on the stock exchange (Siiq) after the approval of the Italian release. “We expect Sorgente RES to be listed on the Stock Exchange and I think we will reach the finish line in 2015 – Mainetti stated – also because the new Siiq legislation makes the application of this legal form very interesting to achieve listing. We are, in fact, studying the innovations in these days given that the approval of the law took place on 14 November last”.

Mainetti then went on to comment on the state of the art of the real estate market which is still having difficulty in acknowledging the albeit weak signs of exit from the crisis. “As far as Italy is concerned – Mainetti said – after the lowering of the 2008 values, prices are stable even if the market is at a standstill. […]This year there are the first signs of recovery considering the disbursement of mortgages”. In conclusion, Mainetti provides his recipe for stimulating the recovery of the Italian brick market: “a reorganization of all the messy and contradictory tax legislation on the house; but it must also be said that there is widespread fear, especially after this fiscal aggression, whereby those who have the house keep it and don't sell it, those who want it wait just the same. This creates a climate of uncertainty in other sectors as well”.
