
Made in Italy in Big data: web observatory on companies and technologies

The research conducted by Banca Ifis and Fondazione NordEst on the penetration of digital in Italian companies becomes a web observatory of data visualization on companies and technologies - The site is public and can be consulted at the address htpp://

Made in Italy in Big data: web observatory on companies and technologies

The big data site was presented today at Maker Faire Rome 2016, which conveys the results of the research "Made in Italy meets digital" (Northeast Foundation and Banca IFIS) which investigates the penetration of digital technologies in Italian companies. 780 small and medium-sized Italian companies belonging to three sectors were interviewed: the fashion system (clothing, footwear, yarns and fabrics), the home system (furniture) and the goldsmith, a grouping that weighs, in terms of number of companies, more than a fifth (21,6%) of Italian manufacturing. 

The goal is to understand to what extent new production technologies, the introduction of "intelligent products", the adoption of communication tools affect Made in Italy today. All in an effective and clear, dynamic and highly usable data visualization site. 

The results speak of a world that is anything but reluctant to digitization efforts, in particular on tools linked to the production process which traditionally represent the privileged space in the investments of many manufacturing companies. The site is public and can be consulted at the address
