
M5S: "healthy" populism or "liberal and moderate" force?

The Five Stars are desperately looking for a new identity to curb the crumbling and rely on Giuseppe Conte, but is the former prime minister's "healthy populism" compatible with the idea of ​​a "liberal and moderate" force that Di Maio talks about? And does the Pd read the polls and realize what's going on? But not all evils have a silver lining…

M5S: "healthy" populism or "liberal and moderate" force?

The Foreign Minister, Luigi Di Maio, had just indicated the prospect of one in recent days “liberal” and “moderate” force as a possible landing place for the search for identity of the Five Stars. But the former prime minister arrived on Sunday Giuseppe Conte, implored by Beppe Grillo, to lead the Five Stars in search of a route and a lifeline. And it is evident how Conte's language - if words still have value - is very different from that of Di Maio. It is no coincidence that the former premier, perhaps to justify his two contradictory experiences in government, has done so champion of a “healthy populism” without worrying too much about the oxymoron it carried. Healthy populism? But can populism be healthy? And how can it be reconciled with a liberal and moderate force or even with membership of the PSE, the European Socialist Party in which the Five Stars, after having been allies of Nigel Farage's far right and having courted the French yellow vests, would like to take a seat ? Go figure the grillini who could define their identity, as Sebastiano Messina wittily suggested on "the Republic” referring to Pirandello: "One, none and one hundred thousand". In other words: everything and the opposite of everything.

It would be interesting to understand what he thinks of pentastellate somersaults Nicola Zingaretti's Pd who, after having recklessly crowned Giuseppe Conte only a few months ago as a "strong point of reference for the progressives", now that the former premier is preparing to become the head of the Five Stars, seems to change his mind. But up to a certain point because, in the endless twists and turns of his secretariat, Zingaretti no longer seems willing to give in to Conte the leadership of the tripartite alliance (Pd, M5S, Leu) but he is always oriented towards embracing the grillini, if it is true as it is true that he has suddenly dismissed the proportionalist propensity to rediscover the majority vocation.

However, the polls reserve bitter surprises for Zingaretti. According to SWG, the Conte effect would bring the Five Stars to 22% while the Democratic Party would lose 4,3%, falling below 15% and placing itself in fourth place in the ranking of parties. And what's worse is that it centre-right alignmentbarring clamorous ruptures between the governments of the Lega and Forza Italia and the opponents of Fratelli d'Italia, it seems clearly destined to prevail in the next political elections, even if the uncertainty of the electoral law is not of little importance.

In short, under the sky of politics, as Enrico Mentana likes to say, confusion is high and it is above all among the Five Stars and in the Democratic Party. But not all evils have a silver lining: as long as the parties hunt for their new identity, Mario Draghi can freely govern, as he has already begun to do with a style and determination that Giuseppe Conte never even dreamed of.
