
M5S: "No vetoes on Renzi if he says yes to Conte-ter", but Di Battista does not agree

President Mattarella entrusts the President of the Chamber Fico with the task of exploring the possibility of reconstituting the government majority while the Five Stars, although splitting, blow up the veto on Renzi as long as Iv says yes to Conte-ter, as the Pd and Pd also ask Leu – The center-right wants early elections but, with the exception of Meloni, leaves other openings

M5S: "No vetoes on Renzi if he says yes to Conte-ter", but Di Battista does not agree

If Matteo Renzi wanted clarification on the presence or absence of rulings against him and against Italia Viva and also wanted to understand what kind of political majority is being formed to get out of the crisis today received an important response. It is that of the Five Star summit, led by the coordinator Vito Crimi, who in his meeting with the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, essentially re-proposed the outgoing majority without vetoes on Renzi on condition, however, that Italia Viva gives the go-ahead to the Government Conte-Ter. However, the internal opposition to the Five Stars, led by Di Battista and Lezzi, does not agree and asks, at least, a referendum among the members of the Movement on the end of the veto to Renzi, which could create some embarrassment for the Grillini top management and lengthen the times of the political crisis. Indeed Di Battista even threatens, if not, the split.

Now, therefore, a clarification is awaited within the Five Stars but also the response from Renzi - who will shift the focus to the discussion on the program and the government team, starting with the premier - and above all from the Head of State who said he wanted to verify the feasibility of rebuilding the majority around Conte by relying on an institutional explorer such as the President of the Chamber, Roberto Fico, who in fact has already been summoned to the Quirinale.

In this context, for now the center-right, which was received by Mattarella before the Five Stars, does not seem to be able to enter the game because, to defend its unity, it has re-proposed early elections even if, Meloni aside, it has not failed to launch signals of relative availability towards an institutional government. The next few hours will be decisive but it is comforting that, despite the current crisis, the BTP-Bund spread remains unchanged at 115 basis points, testifying that Italy's credibility on the markets remains unchanged.
