Giuseppe Conte he won the referendum among the members again against Beppe Grillo but raise your hand if you can define with certainty the political physiognomy of the former people's lawyer. The first to doubt that Conte is left-wing was a few weeks ago Romano Prodi, then the Count himself – winking at Chiara Appendino and Marco Travaglio – he dodged the obstacle by calling himself an “independent progressive”, a way to keep his hands free as a member of “The Left” in Europe, despite being. But progressive on what basis? In foreign policy, for example, Conte will continue his battle against theEurope and against the support forUkraine? And he will return to send signals of closeness to Trump? And on economic policy will he once and for all archive the Superbonus and Citizenship Income or will he dust off his very expensive welfare ideas? A nice puzzle, especially for the Pd who continues to bet on Conte who, to begin with, has already made him lose the regional elections in Liguria and Basilicata and who would like to decide contents and allies with an increasingly smaller package of votes. Maybe he is not completely back "The paper” who a few days ago defined Conte as a new Dorothean: right or left matter little to him, what matters is power. Master of opportunism and, indeed, of Dorotheism that does not promise anything good for the country. Down from the tower.
M5S, Conte won again against Grillo but is he left-wing, is he progressive or is he just a Dorothean?
Barring new legal consequences, Giuseppe Conte has won his challenge against Beppe Grillo for the leadership of the Five Stars but his political line remains more uncertain and undefined than ever. Power seems to be his only guiding star