
M5S and Pd insist on Conte-ter but the games remain open

During the first day of exploration of Fico, the idea of ​​a program contract emerges. On the names, both the Five Stars and the Democratic Party reiterate their preference for Conte premier but Iv asks to discuss the program and the team first, leaving the premiership in the balance.

M5S and Pd insist on Conte-ter but the games remain open

“We want a political government, but not at all costs. We need a written agreement”. Matteo Renzi, leader of Italia Viva, was received by Roberto Fico, president of the Chamber and scout appointed by President Sergio Mattarella, and reiterated his position for the formation of a new majority and the green light for a possible Conte ter: “ First the contents, then the names. Names are important but they come at the end,” said the former prime minister. Who, answering the journalists' questions at the end of the consultation, expressly said that "We didn't talk about names with President Fico".

“The Mes – Renzi insisted – means 36 billion, we are convinced that this money is needed, if the M5s is against it we will try to understand the reasons and address all the points under discussion, not just on the Mes. If we are willing to find solutions on the Mes, so are the others. The Constitution speaks of discipline and honour, another word has appeared today, loyalty: for us, loyalty is saying in private meetings what is said in public. We are, we have been asking to talk about content for months. We are ready to work with discipline, honor and loyalty. It is not a crisis that arises from dislikes, but from responses to citizens. We are willing to do our part but on a written document”. The idea of ​​a program contract is making its way, requested by Iv but also by the Five Stars.

In the afternoon it was the turn of the other two forces of the outgoing majority, Pd and 5 Stars. Vito Crimi, representing the grillini, had in turn confirmed that for the M5S “Conte's choice as prime minister is indisputable. And we ask to set aside issues that divide, such as the Mes ". Not really a signal of openness towards Renzi, after Nicola Zingaretti himself, of the Pd, had said that "the Pd reiterates that it indicate Conte as the only capable personality to collect the necessary consents. He has already obtained full confidence in the Chamber of Deputies and very broad support in the Senate. He has worked with us and is able to guarantee balance and an immediate restart – wrote the dem leader on Facebook – We will help Fico carry out his work with conviction and responsibility ”.
