
The last frontier of the gesture: write in the air and put the words in a file

There was a time when anyone who talked to himself on the street was thought to be crazy - Today, anyone who talks to himself on the street is considered a simple cell phone user - But the reputation of crazy risks returning when we see someone gesturing while drawing on the street strange signs in the air – It's the last frontier of writing

The last frontier of the gesture: write in the air and put the words in a file

There was a time when anyone talking to himself on the street was (rightly) taken for a madman. And still, in the pioneering times of the mobile phone, there were those who thought they were crazy even if they were simply having a conversation through the headset. Today anyone who talks alone on the street is considered a simple cell phone user. But the reputation of crazy risks returning when, perhaps soon, we will see on the street one who gesticulates by drawing strange signs in the air.

Don't worry: this is the last frontier of writing: you can write in the air with your finger and the gestures are picked up by a sensor on the writer's wrist, which stores them in a file like letters and words. The app, called 'Airwriting' was developed in Germany at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Cognitive Systems Lab.

At the beginning a special glove was used, but now the technology has been miniaturized and a special 'watch' on the wrist is enough to write without a pen and without a dictaphone and without speaking (ie without making use of 'speech recognition systems'). Once the app 'learns' the personal style of the 'writing gesture' the error rate becomes only 3%.

Attachments: the age
