As part of the LUISS initiatives on "Digital Transformation", the presentation of the first postgraduate Master in Cybersecurity will be held tomorrow at the Villa Blanc headquarters at 15.30 pm: public policies, legislation and management designed by LUISS with Elettronica SpA, starting on next year. The Master will have a strongly interdisciplinary slant with the aim of training new professional figures, specialized in the legal, digital, managerial, institutional and economic aspects of cybersecurity. Many authoritative guests who will intervene.
Greeting addresses
Giovanni Lo Storto Director General of LUISS.
Opening speech
Enzo Benigni President of Elettronica SpA.
Introductory report
Paola Severino LUISS Rector.
Panel discussion
Maria Chiara Carrozza Deputy and Member of the Connect General Directorate of the European Commission;
Alessandro Pansa Director General of DIS Department of Security Information;
Andrea Prencipe Vice Rector LUISS;
Eugenio Santagata CEO CY4GATE – Deputy Chief Operating Officer Electronics.
Gianni Riotta Master Co-Director MACOM Luiss School of Government – Columnist for La Stampa.
Final interventions
Vincenzo Boccia President of Confindustria;
Emma Marcegaglia LUISS President;
Marco Minniti Minister of the Interior.