Still tension in the US between African Americans and the police. Another shooting has in fact occurred against the forces of order again in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where it all began on July 5 when the local police killed the 37-year-old peddler Alton Sterling, unleashing the wrath of the black community.
According to reports from USA Today, which cites some local media, a man dressed in black with his face covered opened fire with an assault rifle between a convenience store and a car wash. Three agents were killed, four others would be injured. A robot bomb was also on site, like the one used to kill the killer of the 5 policemen in Dallas. “It was an ambush against the police,” the mayor of Baton Rouge said.
"We believe the man who killed the officers in Baton Rouge was killed," local police said, adding that there were no other suspects.
The killer has been identified as Gavin Eugene Long, a 29-year-old African American from Kansas City, Missouri. The man was a former marine and yesterday was his birthday. This was stated by Cbs, underlining that the alleged killer had left the body with all the honors in 2010. The killer of the five Dallas police officers was also a black ex-military, Micah Johnson, a reservist who had fought in Afghanistan.